Re- Establishment of the Nursing and Midwifery Shared Governance Quality and Safety Council

Dear Colleagues,

The Nursing and Midwifery Shared Governance Quality and Safety Council monitors the appropriateness and effectiveness of the care provided by the nursing and midwifery staff through:

  • Compliance to standards of practice
  • Compliance to IPSG’s
  • Monitoring of unit-based quality improvement plans
  • Clinical effectiveness (bundles)

The council will also endorse and monitor unit-based data driven improvement plans, identify quality and safety practice opportunities and promote nursing & midwifery shared governance, hospital wide.

One representative from each area is needed.  If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone to be a part of the council please forward names to Ruth Minogue or Jodi Bingley by Sunday 21stFeburary. The first council meeting will be on 25th February 2021.