Language Development in Children
Language and communication skills are important to a child’s development. The information below describes each stage of language development in children from birth to age 5.
Birth to 3 months:
- Makes cooing sounds, mostly vowels
- Has different cries for different needs
- Smiles at you
- Startles (Jumps) to loud sounds
- Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound
- Begins to tell the difference between human voices and other sounds
4 to 6 months:
- Babbles and makes different sounds including b, m
- Makes Sounds that vary in volume and pitch
- Makes sounds back when you talk
- Enjoys games like peek-a- boo
- Turns his/her eyes towards a sound source
- Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound
- Responds to music or toys that make noise
7-12 months:
- Waves hi/bye
- Responds to his/her name
- Will let you know what he/she wants using sounds, and/or actions like pointing
- Begins to follow simple directions (for example: Where is your nose?)
- Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound
- Turns his/her head toward the source of sound
- Pays attention when spoken to
- Babbles both long and short groups of sounds such as ‘tata ubub”
- Has one or two words “hi, dada, mama”
12 to 18 months:
- Uses common words and starts to put words together
- Enjoys listening to storybooks
- Points to body parts or pictures in a book when asked
- Looks at your face when talking to you
18 to 24 months:
- Understands more words than he/she can say
- Can say two words together (for example more juice)
- Can ask simple questions (For example what is that?)
- Takes turns in a conversation
- Uses many different sounds
2 to 3 years:
- Uses sentences of three or more words most of the time
- Understands different concepts (for example: in-on; up-down)
- Follows two-part directions (take the book and put it on the table)
- Asks questions such as why
- Answers simple questions (for example: Where is the car?)
- Participates in short conversations
3 to 4 years:
- Can tell a short story or talk about daily activities
- Can talk in sentences with adult-like grammar
- Can speak clearly so people understand
- Hears you when you call from another room
- Listens to TV at the same volume as others
- Answers a variety of questions
4 to 5 years:
- Pronounces most speech sounds correctly
- Participates in and understands conversations even in the presence of background noise
- Recognizes familiar signs such as stop sign
- Makes up rhymes
- Hears and understands most of what is said at home and school
- Listens to and retells a story and can ask and answer questions about a story