Your Maternity Care at Sidra Medicine During the Coronavirus

Dear Guests,

We understand that the birth of a baby is a time of celebration, however given the current situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Sidra Medicine has implemented safety measures for the wellbeing and safety of our patients, families and staff.

We have already restricted the number of companions to one person for each female patient during her stay in the hospital as the first step in this initiative. All companions and patients coming in are screened with a temperature check, will be asked to show their status on the mandatory Ehteraz app and asked a set of simple questions. Companions or patients will need to inform us, at least 48 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment or operation if they are unable to download the Ehteraz app as additional documents may be required.

All family members are requested to be extremely vigilant in maintaining social distancing and infection control outside the Hospital area. If the designated companion has any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (fever, cough, breathlessness, runny nose, diarrhea, loss of smell or loss of taste), they must not visit the hospital.

All visitors must wear a mask before entering the hospital and would need to wear a mask at all times while inside the hospital. Companions staying in the hospital with the patient, will be supplied with masks by Sidra Medicine.


As of 18th April 2020, all women who are admitted to Sidra Medicine will be asked to name one companion who they would like to be with them during their stay. The details of the companion, including their Qatar ID will need to be shared with our security team who will check all visitors on entry to the hospital. Young children are not allowed to accompany the mother during this time, and we request patients to make arrangements to keep them at home.

As part of the admission process, both the woman and her named companion will be tested for COVID-19. The test result will be available within 24 hours and if negative the admission will go ahead as planned. Please note that if the companion has to leave the hospital for any reason, then they will not be allowed to re-enter the hospital. Nor will any further visitors (apart from the father – please see below) be allowed entry to the hospital to see the patient.

We understand it is important for the woman to have her family with her to support her during the birth of her baby. If the father of the baby is not the main companion and would like to be at the birth (in place of the companion) or visit shortly after the birth, then he will need to be tested and his test must be negative before he is allowed in the hospital.

If the father is in the hospital at the time of the birth, in addition to the named companion, then he will asked to leave within 12 hours after the birth of the baby – as our new policy mandates that only one companion can stay with the mother Once the father leaves the hospital, he cannot re-enter or swap with the other companion. Security will have the names of both companions and fathers and will restrict access if required in accordance with the agreed policies.

Testing for COVID-19

For women who are admitted in labor or for urgent reasons, a test will be performed in the emergency triage area on both the woman and her companion. Care will be provided appropriately until the result is available.

Once a woman has identified her named companion and they have both been tested negative, the companion will be allowed to stay with the patient 24 hours a day until she is discharged home.

Dining/Catering options including outside delivery of food and supplies for the baby

We have dining and catering options at Café Como for companions however separate charges will apply. You may order food from outside or have food delivered from your home.

We have set up a designated entrance for such arrangements to be made, including the collection and drop off of clothing or additional supplies for the baby. Please note that all items coming in from outside needs to be double-bagged in disposable plastic bags. That is, items whether food or essential supplies, should be packaged in two plastic bags – the outer plastic bag should be disposed before entering the hospital and an inner plastic bag which should feature the name and room number of the patient. It is our expectation that delivery personnel will follow health and safety guidelines by having been properly screened for infection and by wearing masks and medical gloves.

Sidra Medicine is not a hospital designated to treat or care for COVID-19 patients, however we are working closely with Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health regarding any patients who have been identified as positive and will follow their guidance should patients need to be transferred to a designated hospital.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause however our principle aim is to maintain Sidra Medicine as a safe environment for our patients, families and staff and to keep the hospital COVID-free. We thank you for your support and understanding.

If you have any queries, please dial 40031401/ 40031402 and ask to speak with a nurse from our Obstetrics Triage unit.