Functional Genomics 2016
Functional Genomics and Beyond : Nature via Nurture Sidra international conference in collaboration with Nature Genetics
Nature via Nurture is one of the oldest and most challenging questions in science. As significant advances in science and precision medicine are made, it is becoming evident that genetic traits play a very important role in disease determination and risk predisposition. The complexity of the pathophysiological processes that are preprogram. by our genome however, are intervened and modulated by exogenous factors such as diet, life style, infections, microbiome and the environment.
In this symposium, world-renowned scientists and clinicians will present state-of-the-art scientific discoveries, will address the interactions between nature and nurture and how the genetic patterns may be altered by a life experience, nutrition as well as the surrounding environment. The symposium will also address how these interactions are tackled and implemented in heath care.

An exhibition from world-leading technology and service providers will run in parallel with the symposium presentations. This symposium is organized as part of the Sidra Symposia Series and is directed towards academia, researchers, physicians, healthcare providers and regulatory agents involved in the field of genomics and genomic medicine.
Attendance to the symposium (12 -13 December, QNCC) will be an accredit. group learning activity and is approved for a minimum of 17 hours. An exhibition from world-leading technology and service providers will run in parallel with the symposium presentations. Additionally, the symposium will provide exciting technical workshops from sponsors and exhibitors on the 14th December at Sidra Medical and Research Center’s Outpatient Clinic.