Standard Terms of Business
Our standard contractual terms and conditions, below, set out the basis of the legal and contractual relationship we want to have with you. Actual contractual terms are, of course, subject to change to fit a specific project at the relevant time.
Sidra Medicine requires its vendors, contractors and service provides to carry:
- general (third party) liability insurance
- workers compensation insurance or employers liability insurance
- professional indemnity insurance
For more information please contact the Legal Services Division at
In the interest of safety of our patients and staff, Sidra Medicine requires vendors, contractors, and service providers to follow the below listed guidelines. Failure to comply with these can result in legal ramifications.
- Sidra Medicine will not tolerate any form of physical or verbal violence towards its staff.
- Sidra Medicine is an alcohol and drug free workplace and can demand a drug and/or alcohol testing when there is reasonable suspicion that a vendor, contractor and service provider on site may be impaired due to the effects of drugs and/or alcohol.
- Sidra Medicine is a smoke free environment and smoking is not permitted anywhere in the workplace or in the campus.
- Any item that is illegal, construed as a weapon, is flammable/combustible, or otherwise is considered potentially dangerous, or inappropriate to the hospital setting are prohibited.
- Vendors, contractors, and service providers are required to create, monitor and maintain a safe work environment in Sidra Medicine facilities without violating applicable national and international standards, laws and regulations.
- Vendors, contractors, and service providers are required to cooperate with our Facilities team and ensure that their staff on site are familiar with Sidra Medicine’s Fire Safety Management Plan.
- Vendors, contractors, and service providers are required to cooperate with our Infection Control team and ensure that their staff on site are familiar with Sidra Medicine’s hand hygiene regulations and undergo training, if necessary, in their role.
- If any mislaid property, property left in a patient room following discharge or transfer of the patient is found by a vendor, contractor, and service provider they are required to contact a member of the security team.
Vendor Representatives Site Visit
Our Information Management team have governance related to information assets, mobile computing, network and cyber security compliance and third-party security management. If a vendor, contractor, or service provider services require information technology support please contact our technology team for more details.