Travel Safety Tips for Parents

Travel Safety Tips for Parents
27 June, 2022
Travelling abroad this summer? Our Emergency Department and Child Advocacy team shares some tips that parents might find useful Teach your child to say their full name and mobile and hotel. Or have it written down in a wrist band. Take a first aid kit with plasters, pain/fever relief medication, cold pack, antiseptic creams, allergy medication, mild insect repellent, travel sickness remedies and also rapid Covid testing kits Children on long-term medications for chronic illnesses like diabetes, epilepsy or asthma should have adequate supplies read post

Travelling abroad this summer? Our Emergency Department and Child Advocacy team shares some tips that parents might find useful

  • Teach your child to say their full name and mobile and hotel. Or have it written down in a wrist band.
  • Take a first aid kit with plasters, pain/fever relief medication, cold pack, antiseptic creams, allergy medication, mild insect repellent, travel sickness remedies and also rapid Covid testing kits
  • Children on long-term medications for chronic illnesses like diabetes, epilepsy or asthma should have adequate supplies of their medications so that they do not run out while holidaying abroad.
  • Buying a new toy for your young child to keep them occupied in the plane? Make sure they are age appropriate and be especially careful of electronic toys with button batteries, which are very dangerous if swallowed.
  • Do not let children wander off alone to explore a new place and that they are never too far away from your sight.  Bright or distinctive clothing can make it easier to spot them in a crowd too.
  • Talk to your kids ahead of time regarding a safety plan if you become separated. Let them know who is safe to talk to for help, like a security officer or store employee.
  • Keep a recent photo of your child with you on your phone – this will come in handy when trying to describe them if they wander off or get lost.
  • Ensure that the hotel or holiday home you will be staying in, is safe for younger children. Report any broken windows or mirrors, damaged electrical outlets or non-functioning smoke alarms immediately
  • Continue to follow safe practices to avoid contracting a holiday virus while traveling, like hand-washing and wearing a mask in public, especially on public transportation.