
This leaflet will help you understand what miscarriage is, what the types of miscarriage are, and what miscarriage treatment options are available at Sidra.

What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage occurs when you lose your baby any time before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is very common and it often happens due to a problem with the formation of fetus and not due to problems in the parents. Most of the time the main cause will not be known.

Having a miscarriage can be a very stressful and difficult time for both parents. If this is your first or second miscarriage you will probably not need any testing as most women go on to have a healthy pregnancy the next time.

It is important to know that each miscarriage experience is different. Some may happen without signs or symptoms, but most will start with some bleeding or pain.

Miscarriages can present differently.

  • Pregnancy may be completely or partially passed naturally
  • Abnormal pregnancy where a pregnancy sac is developed but no fetus
  • Abnormal pregnancy where there is a fetus but with no heart beats

If you are diagnosed with miscarriage, your doctor will offer you different treatment options and will discuss them in details with you to help you decide which option you prefer.

The treatment options include:

1. Natural/ Expectant

  • This is the first choice for a lot of women
  • It can take a day to weeks before the miscarriage starts. At home you may feel some pain and bleeding which can be heavy.
  • This option is managed at home and you are most likely to pass the pregnancy tissue in the toilet and you can simply flush them away
  • Your doctor will arrange an appointment for you to return to the clinic for a checkup in2- 3 weeks
  • You may develop infection, or have heavy bleeding and/or severe pain (very low risk)
  • Avoid using tampons. Use sanitary pads/towel to reduce risk of infection.

2. Medical Treatment

  • This option uses medication given to speed up or start the process of miscarriage.
  • Your doctor will give you a tablet to take by mouth in the hospital, send you home and ask you to return to the hospital after 1-2 days for admission.
  • When you are admitted, you will be given more medication to help relax the cervix and make the uterus contract.
  • You may experience some cramping pain and bleeding which can be heavy.
  • You may require repeated medication doses during the treatment to ensure complete miscarriage.
  • If the miscarriage process is complete, the doctor will arrange a follow up with you in 2 weeks.
  • If the miscarriage process did not complete you may need surgery to remove the incomplete pregnancy.

3. Surgical Treatment

  • This involves an operation to remove the incomplete pregnancy. It is done under a general anesthetic which puts you to sleep.
  • Your doctor will explain to you the benefits and risks which may be associated with this surgery.
  • You can go home on the same day of the produce.
  • You may experience some cramping pain and a small amount of bleeding following the surgery for a few days.
  • You will come for a follow up appointment after 2 weeks.


All options have low infection risk and with all 3 options your chances of having a healthy pregnancy next time are equally good.