Epileptic seizures and Children

Epileptic seizures and Children

What is an epileptic seizure?

A seizure represents the clinical expression of abnormal, excessive, discharges of neurons residing primarily in the brain.
During a seizure the neurons (brain cells) get disrupted causing the body to behave in an unusual way.

Seizures in children may include:

  • Staring/rolling up of the eyes
  • Turning of the head or eyes to one side
  • Repetitive movement of one or more( arm or leg)
  • Loss of consciousness/loss of awareness depending on the type of the seizure

A medical condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures.

  • It is important to tell the doctor what happened to the child immediately before, during and after the seizure. This may help in epilepsy diagnosis
  • Other Tests may include:
    • CT (Computed Tomography)
    • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
    • EEG or electroencephalography (to look at the brain activity)
    • Others

  • Missing medication doses
  • Feeling tired & high grade fever
  • Menstruation
  • Poor sleep
  • Stress
  • Sensitivity to light

  • The doctor will prescribe some medicines   to control seizures.These medicines are called anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs).
  • It may take time to control the seizures.
  • Some cases may need a special food (ketogenic diet).
  • Some children may need surgery to remove the responsible area of the brain or to install an electrical device (VNS).

  • Remain calm and stay with the child
  • Time the seizure
  • Protect the child from injury, especially his/her head
  • Roll the child onto his/her side to keep the airway open and  allow any fluids in the mouth to flow out
  • Maintain the child’s privacy
  • speak calmly with the child until he/she recover
  • Do not put anything in the child’s mouth
  • Do not restrain the child
  • Do not move the child, unless there is danger
  • Do not start CPR
  • Call 999 in case of prolonged (more than 5 minutes) or repeated seizures & give the rescue medication

  1. Unscrew the bottle and keep the bottle upright
  2. Insert syringe into the center of the rubber cover
  3. Turn the bottle upside down
  4. Pull the plunger out slowly and draw up the prescribed amount
  5. Turn the bottle upright again before removing the syringe
  6. Put the cap back on the bottle
  7. Place the syringe in the child’s mouth between the gum  and teeth
  8. Slowly push plunger until the syringe is empty
  9. If possible, divide the dose and give half into each side of the mouth
  10. Watch for any breathing difficulty

Children with epilepsy need a healthy environment to encourage them to learn, participate and succeed at school. The following tips could help to do that:

  • Meet with the school administration /nurse to discuss your child’s epilepsy and management and update them of any changes in your child’s condition.
  • Provide the school with your child’s medical report.
  • Provide the school with your contact details and emergency number.
  • Provide the school with the emergency medicine (Buccal midazolam) if needed.
  • Communicate with your child’s school and school nurse regularly.

To keep the child safe:

  • Make sure all bathroom and bedroom doors are unlocked when the child is inside.
  • Use the shower instead of the bathtub.
  • Supervise the child closely when using a bathtub.
  • Make sure the child wears a life-jacket in the swimming pool and make sure he/she is supervised by a lifeguard.
  • Make sure the child wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter, skates or skateboard and horseback riding.
  • Avoid seizure triggers.

Remember: Each child is unique in his epilepsy and type of treatment & management

For more information, please visit the following websites:

If you have any questions or concerns, call and record a detailed voice message on: 40036759

Sidra Medicine cares about your health. The information in this leaflet should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and the advice of your doctor. Ask your healthcare provider about this information if you have questions. You can find us on www.sidra.org