Overview /Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Guidelines for PMFG 2024 Summit

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the PMFG 2024 Summit. Please carefully review the following guidelines before submitting your abstract:

  1. Submission Deadline:
    – The deadline for abstract submission is October 1st, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.
  2. Theme:
    – Ensure that your abstract aligns with the Summit Pillars of the PMFG 2024 Summit:
    1. Genomics for All: Screening From Newborns to Whole Population
    2. Precision Diagnostics in Rare and Complex Diseases
    3. Advanced Therapeutics in Precision Medicine

  1. Submission Format:
    – Abstracts should be submitted in English.
    – Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and limit your abstract to a maximum of 300 words.

– Include the following sections:

  • Title
  • Authors (with affiliations)
  • Background/Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

  1. Keywords:
    – Include up to five keywords relevant to your presentation.

  1. Review Process:
    – All submitted abstracts will undergo a blind peer-review process.
    – Notifications of acceptance will be sent by November 1st, 2024.

  1. Presenter Information:
    – Include a brief bio (max 100 words) for each presenter.
    – Clearly indicate the corresponding author with affiliation.

  1. Presentation Types:
    – Specify your preferred presentation format: Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation before the abstract title.

  1. Ethical Considerations:
    – Ensure your research complies with ethical standards. Mention any necessary approvals obtained.

  1. Submission Instructions:
    – Submit your abstract through the online submission form on the PMFG 2024 Summit website.

  1. Registration Requirement:
    – Accepted presenters must register for the summit and pay registration fee by 10th November 2024.

  1. Contact Information:
    – For inquiries or assistance, contact the organizing team:

We look forward to receiving your abstract and to your valuable contribution to the PMFG 2024 Summit.

The Abstract Submission and Reviewing team.
Precision Medicine and the Future of Genomics Summit