Gulf Pediatric Critical Care Conference January 23-26 2025
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Fundamentals of ECMO
Course Director: Dr. Grace Van Leeuwen (Qatar) and Dr. Patricia Bastero (USA)
Expert Faculty: Dr. Jana Assy (Belgium), Dr. Nada Al Jassim (KSA), Dr. Ecryd Elias (Brazil), Gisela Ponce, RN (Argentina), Dr. Yasser Kazzaz (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Hamza EL Khidir (Qatar), Elisabetta Giacomini, CCP(Qatar), Dr. Ririe Fachrina (Indonesia)
- 0800-0900
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ECMO overview– VA and VV
Understand the basic principles of ECMO therapy and its application in pediatric care
Grace Van Leeuwen
- 0900-1000
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ECMO Components and disposables
Identify and describe the components of an ECMO circuit.
Discuss the functionality and purpose of each component in the ECMO setup
Eliabetta Giacomini
- 1000-1015
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- 1015-1045
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Monitorization and blood gases
Discuss strategies for monitoring and managing pediatric patients on ECMO, including hemodynamic.
Patricia Bastero
- 1100-1145
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Group A – ECMO demonstration
Group B – ECMO demonstrationDemonstrate the ability to monitor and interpret ECMO circuit parameters effectively in a clinical setting
(All Speakers)
- 1145-1230
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Intro to SIMS
Explain the importance of teamwork and effective communication within the ECMO team and its impact on patient outcomes.
Elisabetta Giacomini
- 1230-1330
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Lunch break
- 1330-1430
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Group A – VA SIM
Identify common ECMO circuit issues and develop troubleshooting skills
(All Speakers)
Group B Anticoagulation and transfusion with game
Discuss strategies managing pediatric patients on ECMO and anticoagulation
Grace Van Leeuwen
- 1430-1530
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Group A: Anticoagulation and transfusion with game
Identify common ECMO circuit issues and develop troubleshooting skills
Grace Van Leeuwen
Group B – VA SIM
Discuss strategies managing pediatric patients on ECMO and anticoagulation
(All Speakers)
- 1530-1545
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- 1545-1630
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Group A – VV SIM
Demonstrate knowledge of safe decannulation techniques
(All Speakers)
Group B – complications+ weaning
Jana Assy
- 1630-1715
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Group A: complications and weaning
Demonstrate knowledge of safe decannulation techniques
Jana Assy
Group B: – VV SIM
(All Speakers)
- 1715-1730
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Wrap up
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Advanced Airway Management in the Critically ill Child (Sold Out)
Course Director: Ikram Haque
Expert Faculty: Taseer Feroz Din(Qatar), Tripiti Sinha (Qatar), Antonio Perez Iranzo (Spain), Manu Sundaram (Qatar), Ben Griffith (UAE), Nithin George(Qatar), Eidah Al Ahmari( Saudi Arabia), Ahmad Almosawi (Kuwait), Dr. Sidra Ishaque (Pakistan)
- 0800-0825
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Coffee and Registration
- 0825-0835
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Welcome and Introduction – Ikram Haque
- 0835-0925
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Pediatric Airway Anatomy and Physiology
Identify the importance of strategic airway assessments and demonstrate how to perform them effectively in various pediatric age groups
Demonstrate strategic airway assessments.
Faculty: Ahmad Al Mosawi
Full Group
- 0925-1015
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Management of the Difficult airway – Tips and tricks
Identifying predictors of a difficult airway; pre-intubation assessment; airway evaluation tools and risk assessment scores
Faculty: Tripiti Sinha
Full Group
- 1015-1100
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Bronchoscopy in a critically ill child
Demonstrate the technique and describe the indications for bronoscopy in children
Faculty: Antonio Perez/Manu Sundaram
Hands on Session
Split Group in 2 rooms – 15 attendees each
- 1100-1115
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- 1115-1200
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Management of difficult pediatric airway with adjuncts
Identify and manage difficult airway scenarios in pediatric patients effectively.
Develop strategies for managing a difficult airway, including use of video laryngoscopy.
Faculty: Sidra Ishaque/Eidah Alahmari/Nithin George
Hands on Session
Split Group in 2 rooms – 15 each
- 1200-1245
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Surgical airway And Rigid Bronchoscopy
Understand the need for a surgical airway procedure in pediatric patients when all other airway management options have failed.
Faculty: Taseer Freroz Din
Full Group
- 1245-1330
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- 1330-1345
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Preparing for difficult intubation
Discuss medication, techniques, RSI, Gas Induction
Faculty: Tripiti Sinha
Full group
- 12:00-12:45
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Video Review of difficult airways and bronchoscopy
Identify the various pathologies from videos
Faculty: Taseer Feroz Din/Antonio Perez
Hands on Session
Split the group in 2 rooms
- 1445-1530
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Flexible Bronchoscopy- BAL and Foreign body
Describe how to use a bronchoscope as an intensivist.
Faculty: Antonio Perez/ Manu Sundaram/ Nithin George/Ben Griffith
Hands on Session
Split the group in 2 rooms
- 1530-1545
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- 1545-1630
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Bronchoscopy Simulator
Demonstrate the application of learned techniques and skills in a controlled environment.
Faculty: Manu Sundaram/Antonio Perez/Ben Griffin
Hands on Session
Split the group in 2 rooms
- 1630-1715
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Airway Management in Special Circumstances
Demonstrate practical training on manikins in scenario-based simulations
Faculty: Taseer Feroz Din/Eidah Alahmari/Nithin George/Ben Griffin
Hands on Session
Split the group in 2 rooms
- 1715-1800
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Review of Guidelines and Protocols and wrap up
Identify and summarize the relevant clinical guidelines and protocols, including the 2022 Difficult Airway Society (UK), the 2022 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway, and the 2024 Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care guidelines for airway management in infants and pediatrics.
Faculty: Sidra Ishaque/Ahmad Al Mosawi/Tripiti Sinha and Manu Sundaram
Full group
Conference Day 1
- 08:00 - 08:10
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Opening remarks
- 0810 - 0850
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Plenary Session: Past present and future of pediatric critical care
Explain the evolution of pediatric critical care practices and how past innovations have shaped current standards of care.
(Duncan Macrae)
- 0850-1020
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Cardiac Critical Care Symposium
08:50-09:10 – Brain in the Cardiac Intensive Care
Analyze the impact of cardiac surgeries and interventions on brain health and neurological outcomes in the ICU.Explain the relationship between cardiac conditions and brain injury in critically ill pediatric patients.
(Ricardo Munoz)
09:10-09:30 – Intensive care of complex single ventricle
Describe the unique hemodynamic challenges associated with caring for patients with complex single ventricle in the ICU.(Abdullah Alwadai)
09:30-09:50 – Simulation in ECMO – The mini-SIM
Evaluate the effectiveness of mini-simulation (Mini-SIM) as a method for revalidation and ongoing skill maintenance in ECMO management.(Elizabetta Giacomini)
09:50-10:10 – Diagnostic Approach of tracheobronchomalacia in CICU
Describe the diagnostic strategies for tracheobronchomalacia specifically for patient scenarios in the CICU.Explain how cardiac conditions can exacerbate airway co-morbidities and complicate their management in the ICU.
(Antonio Perez Iranzo)
10:10-10:20 – Discussion
- 10:20-10:30
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Short Break
- 10:30-11:10
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Plenary Session: Critical Care Monitoring in the AI era
Describe the challenges in implementing AI in critical care monitoring
Explain the utility of AI in pediatric critical care monitoring
(Ricardo Munoz)
- 11:10-11:30
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Opening Ceremony
- 11:30-13:00
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Prayer and Lunch break
- 13:00-13:40
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Plenary Session: The Brain in Pediatric Critical Illness
Describe the potential neurological derangements that occur in critical illness
(Barney Scholefield)
- 13:40-15:10
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Scientific Session: Neurocritical Care
13:40-14:00 – Advanced Neuro monitoring: luxury or necessity
Assess whether advanced neuro monitoring is a necessity based on patient outcomes and resource allocation.(Ricardo Branco)
14:00-14:20 – Acute Neuroinflammatory disorders in the PICU
Differentiate between various neuroinflammatory disorders based on their clinical presentations and responses to treatment.Evaluate current therapeutic strategies for acute neuroinflammatory disorders in the PICU, considering both efficacy and safety.
(Ayman Khalil)
14:20-14:40 – Super refractory status epilepticus
Explain the underlying mechanisms leading to super refractory status epilepticus and its progression.Describe the challenges and treatment failures in patients with super refractory status epilepticus.
(Ammar Al Zadjali)
14:40-15:00 – Early Mobilization in Pediatric Critical Care
Recall the key principles and goals of early mobility in pediatric patients.Explain the importance of neurorehabilitation in the recovery process after neurological injury or illness.
( Saif Awladthani)
15:00-15:10 – Discussion
- 15:10-15:40
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Coffee break and Poster session
- 15:40-16:20
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Plenary Session: Update in the Management of Septic Shock
Analyze the impact of recent advancements on patient outcomes in septic shock management.
Evaluate the effectiveness of emerging therapies in septic shock management, particularly in reducing mortality.
(Joseph Carcillo)
- 16:20-17:50
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Scientific Session: Sepsis
16:20-16:40 – Sepsis early recognition and Phoenix Criteria
Describe how to use the Phoenix Criteria to recognize and diagnose early sepsis in clinical practice.Differentiate between early sepsis and other conditions with similar presentations using the Phoenix Criteria.
(Yasser Kazzaz)
16:40-17:00 – Fluid resuscitation and de-resuscitation in sepsis
Apply appropriate fluid management strategies, including resuscitation and de-resuscitation, in septic patients.Assess the balance between effective resuscitation and the prevention of fluid overload in septic patients.
(Vinay Nadkarni)
17:00-17:20 – Recognition and management of Ped Sepsis phenotypes
Explain how recognizing sepsis phenotypes can influence treatment decisions and patient outcomes.Describe the clinical criteria for recognizing and managing different sepsis phenotypes in pediatric patients.
(Nesreen Faqih)
17:20-17:40 – Managing emerging inf & multi-resistant organism sepsis?
Identify common emerging infections and multi-resistant organisms involved in pediatric sepsis.Analyze the clinical and microbiological data to optimize the management of sepsis involving multi-resistant pathogens.
(Eman Al Maslamani)
17:40-17:50 – Discussion
Conference Day 2
- 08:00-08:40
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Plenary Session: Advances in Pediatric Resuscitation
Understanding the latest guidelines and how to improve outcomes through innovative resuscitation strategies for children.
(Vinay Nadkarni)
- 08:40-09:50
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Resuscitation Update Session
08:40-09:00 – Post Resuscitation Management
Describe the key components of post resuscitation management.(Barney Schofield)
09:00-09:20 – E-CPR: who, when, and where?
Describe the clinical indications for E-CPR(Maika Schumacher)
09:20-09:40 – POCUS guided resuscitation
Describe the current guidelines and protocols for POCUS usage in pediatric resuscitation.(Arun Bansal)
09:40-09:50 – Discussion
- 09:50-10:20
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Coffee Break and poster viewing
- 10:20-11:00
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Plenary session: Advances in Pediatric ARDS
Identify the latest diagnostic criteria for pediatric ARDS.
Evaluate new therapeutic modalities, including ventilatory and pharmacological interventions, in the treatment of pediatric ARDS.
(Christopher Newth)
- 11:00-12:30
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Respiratory Symposium
11:00-11:20 – NIV in Viral Infections with Acute Respiratory Failure
Identify the indications for using non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in pediatric patients with viral infections and acute respiratory failure.Implement appropriate NIV strategies for managing pediatric patients with viral-induced acute respiratory failure.
(Manu Sundaram)
11:20-11:40 – Can’t Extubate: Managing Complex airways in PICU
Evaluate the effectiveness of different airway management strategy in a pediatric patient with a complex airway issue(Taseer Din)
11:40-12:00 – Life Threatening Pertussis
Explain the pathophysiology of pertussis and the reasons it can become life-threatening, especially in infants and young children.Apply evidence-based interventions for the management of life-threatening pertussis in the PICU.
Analyze the risk factors and complications leading to severe or fatal outcomes in children with pertussis
(Abdullah Alfraij)
12:00-12-20 – Obstructive phenotype of respiratory infections in children
Understand the pathophysiology, identify the symptoms, and management strategies for obstructive respiratory conditions in pediatric patients.(Christopher Newth)
12:20-12:30 – Discussion
- 12:30-13:30
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Lunch break and poster viewing
- 13:30-15:00
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Scientific session: Extracorporeal Support in Pediatric Critical Care
13:30-13:50 – Renal Replacement Therapies
Describe the appropriate renal replacement therapy strategies based on patient assessment and clinical guidelines for pediatric patients in acute or chronic renal failure.(Ahmad Kaddourah)
13:50-14:10 – Extracorporeal Liver Support
Describe the mechanisms and principles behind extracorporeal liver support therapies, such as molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) and Prometheus.(Akash Deep)
14:10-14:30 – Ventricular Assist and long-term cardiac support
Explain the indications and patient selection criteria for the use of ventricular assist devices in pediatric populations.(Gehan Mostafa)
14:30-14:50 – Plasma Exchange
Evaluate the effectiveness of plasma exchange compared to other therapeutic options in the management of specific pediatric conditions in the PICU.(Diego Uribe)
14:50-15:00 – Discussion
- 15:00-15:10
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Short Break
- 15:10-16:20
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Enhancing Quality, Safety and Outcomes
15:10-15:30 – Pre and Post PICU Management-EWS, RRT, Outreach
Analyze the effectiveness of outreach services and rapid response systems in reducing PICU admissions and improving patient outcomes.(Marina Demosthenous)
15:30-15:50 – PICU transition and long-term home ventilation
Understand the evidence-based practices to ensure a safe and effective transition from PICU to home ventilation, including caregiver training and equipment management.(Marti Pons)
15:50-16:10 – Embedding a safety culture in the PICU
Identify key principles and strategies for creating a safety culture in the PICU environment.(Jihad Zahraa)
16:10-16:20 – Discussion
- 16:20-16:40
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Break and poster viewing
- 16:40-17:00
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Plenary Session: Ethically Charged situations in Pediatric Critical Care an Islamic Perspective.
Analyze the intersection of Islamic ethical principles with modern medical practices in the context of pediatric critical care.
Evaluate the ethical implications of decisions made in pediatric critical care, considering both Islamic values and medical guidelines.
(Mohammad Ghaly)
- 17:00-18:00
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Round Table: Ethical Challenges in the Gulf Region
Describe the influence of cultural, religious, and legal factors on ethical decision-making in the GCC
Evaluate case-based examples of how ethical principles are applied to difficult situations, such as organ donation and brain death, in different cultural and legal contexts.
(Fajer Al Tammar, Raghad Al-Abdwani, Jihad Zahraa, Yasser Kazzaz, Amrita Sarpal, Ririe Malisie)
- 18:00-18:20
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Abstract Presentations and Prize
Identify current research in critical care and its’ application
- 18:20-18:30
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Closing remarks
Post-Conference Workshops
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Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation Workshop
Course Director: Dr. Manu Sundaram Qatar
Expert Faculty: Dr. Marti Pons Odena (Spain), Dr. Arun Bansal (India) , D.r Tareq Alayid(Saudi Arabia), Dr AbdulRahman Al-Daithan(Kuwait), Abirami Balasubramaniyan(Qatar) Dr. Khaloud Al Mukhaini (.Oman) Dr. Vinay Nadkarni (USA)
- 0700-0730
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- 0730-0740
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- 0740-0800
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Applied NIV physiology
Explain how NIV supports respiratory mechanics by improving gas exchange, reducing work of breathing, and enhancing alveolar ventilation.
Identify the basic physiological principles behind Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), such as pressure support, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and tidal volume.
Marti Pons
- 0800-0900
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I & C: Know your Indications/Contraindications for NIV
Describe a systematic approach to initiating NIV
Improve understanding of the rationale of safe patient selection for NIV.
Explain the rationale behind each step in the algorithm for NIV initiation.
Manu Sundaram
M: Modes: Let’s make it clear
Understand the various mode in NIV
Arun Bansal
A: Analysis of failure
Describe how to identify a patient improving or deteriorating on NIV
Marti Pons
N: Next steps: Monitoring & Weaning
Explain how to monitor a patient on NIV and facilitate weaning
Abdul Rahman Al-Daithan
- 0900-0920
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Explain the clinical scenarios where HFNC would be preferred to CPAP
Tariq Alayid
- 0920-0945
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- 0945-1030
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Practical demonstration: NIV with home machines
Explain how various types of machines and interfaces work and the differences between ventilation modes.
Identify key parameters to monitor in patients receiving NIV therapy.
Manu Sundaram, Tariq Alayid
- 1030-1115
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Practical demonstration: NIV with NIV specific machines
See above
Marti Pons, Khaloud Al Mukhaini
- 1115-1200
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Practical demonstration: NIV with conventional ventilator
See above
Arun Bansal, AbdulRahman Al-Daithan, Abhirami Balasubramanyam
- 1200-1245
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Lunch break
- 1245-1300
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Case based scenario: hypercarbia
Explain the physiological effects of NIV on reducing hypercarbia by enhancing alveolar ventilation and removing excess carbon dioxide.
Recall the various interventions to reduce hypercarbia.
Manu Sundaram, Khaloud Al Mukhaini
- 1300-1345
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Case based scenario: Hypoxia
Describe how NIV improves oxygenation in hypoxic patients by increasing positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and preventing alveolar collapse.
Marti Pons, Abhirami Balasubramanyam Vinay Nadkarni
- 1345-1500
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Case based scenario: HFNC and CPAP
Compare different clinical scenarios to determine when the algorithm should be adjusted or modified.
Arun Bansal, Tareq Alayid
- 1500-1515
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Coffee break
- 1515-1545
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Explain the principle of NAVA
Marti Pons
- 1545-1600
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Question, feedback and closing remarks
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Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (CKRT), Apheresis and Tandem Extracorporeal Therapies Workshop (Sold Out)
Course Director: Dr Prabh Nayak
Expert Faculty: Dr Ahmad Kaddourah, Dr Akash Deep (UK), Dr Dua Qutab( Qatar) Arulkumar Natarajan ( Qatar), Dr Satheesh Ponnarmeni (UAE)
- 0730 – 0800
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Registration and welcome
- 0800 -0830
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CKRT in critically ill children: Introduction & Principles
Explain the principles of working of CKRT and Apheresis with examples and case scenarios and how to utilize them in the treatment of critically ill children
Prabh Nayak
- 0830 – 0900
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How I write a good CKRT prescription
Explain and demonstrate the various parameters to focus on whilst writing a safe and efficient prescription for CKRT
Ahmad Kaddourah
- 0900- 0930
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Anti-coagulation in CKRT
Explain the use of different anticoagulation agents like heparin, citrate and prostacyclin in the various clinical situations as well their monitoring for safe administration
Dua Qutob (heparin and citrate)
Akash Deep (prostacyclin)
- 0930 – 0945
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Explain how CKRT is to be used whilst a patient is already on ECMO as a modality for tandem extracorporeal therapies
Prabh Nayak
- 0945 – 1000
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CKRT in Liver failure
Explain the benefits and safe use of CKRT as a treatment modality in critically ill children with acute liver failure
Akash Deep
- 1000-1015
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- 1015-1045
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Setting up the CKRT machine
Demonstrate the set up the CKRT machine on a critically ill patient
Ahmad Kaddourah
- 1045 – 1115
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Trouble shooting and Alarms on CKRT
Demonstrate how to trouble shoot the various potential issues whilst on CKRT and understand the different alarms on the machine
Ahmad Kaddourah, Akash Deep
- 1115-1145
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CKRT on ECMO Application
Demonstrate how to connect and manage the patient to the ECMO machine which is already connected to the patient
Prabh Nayak, Dua Qutob, Arul Kumar
- 1145 - 1245
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- 1245 – 1315
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Apheresis ABC
Explain the principles of use of apheresis in critically ill children, the various indications and the pitfalls to avoid
Ahmad Kaddourah
- 1315 - 1330
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Plasma exchange for TAMOF
Explain the benefits of plasmapheresis in children with TAMOF and how to safely use it and the duration of treatment
Ahmad Kaddourah
- 1330 – 1345
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Plasma Exchange for Liver Failure
Describe how plasma exchange if beneficial in the setting of liver failure and the principles of safely and effectively using it an essential mode of therapy
Akash Deep
- 1345 – 1400
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RBCs exchange Critically Ill Sickler’s
Describe how Apheresis should be used in children with sickle cell anemia and the indications and safe administration of the treatment
Arul Kumar
- 1400 – 1415
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Leukapheresis in Critically Ill children
Explain the principles, indications and management of leukapheresis in critically ill children as lifesaving therapy
Arul Kumar
- 1415 - 1430
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- 1430 – 1500
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Setting up the Apheresis Machine
Practice how to safely and effectively setting up the Apheresis machine in a critically ill patient
Arul Kumar
- 1500 - 1520
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Membrane Apheresis
Practical hands-on session to utilize the Apheresis machine effectively to provide membrane apheresis
Ahmad Kaddourah
- 1520 – 1540
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TPE in Action – Hands on and Trouble Shooting
Practice in a hands-on practical session to troubleshoot various alarms on an apheresis machine and apply strategies to ensure safe and effective treatment.
Arul Kumar, Dua Qutob
- 1540 -1600
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Pro-Con Debate: CKRT in ICU should be run by intensivists vs Nephrologists (UK model vs North American Model)
(Actually it is all about Teamwork = Sidra Model)Recall the different models of setting up and running a CKRT service in ICU for critically ill children.
(ALL speakers)
- 1600 - 1615
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Closing remarks, feedback and goodbyes
This activity is an Accredited (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions-Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of _hour(s).
In support of improving patient care, Sidra Medicine is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
The Scientific Planning Committee has reviewed all disclosed relevant relationships of speakers, moderators, facilitators, and/or authors in advance of this CPD activity and has implemented procedures to manage any potential or real conflicts of interest.