Events Calendar

February 2021

    • Mar - 4

        Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Overview of Eating Disorders in children and teens, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa.

        Eating disorders are very complex illnesses that have very serious and harmful effects.

        Many things contribute to their development.

        Youth with eating disorders are often lonely and terrified. Families often don't know what to do. There may be a delay between the start of an eating disorder and a decision to look for help. The person with the problem may feel more and more isolated.
        Eating disorders affects all racial and ethnic groups. Boys and young men can also develop eating disorders where focus on leanness, weight control, and muscle building is common. Eating disorders in boys can be serious and may be life-threatening.

        Parents, relatives and school personnel need to be aware of risk factors and symptoms of eating disorders to identify it early and take the necessary steps to address these issues early to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and teens.

        The Speakers


        Schahla Al-Shibli
        Clinical Psychologist


        Dionne Sears
        Supervisor - Social work department


        Athba Al-Safi
        Clinical Dietitian

        The Moderator 


        Dr.Alanoud Al-ansari

        Division Chief, Adolescent Medicine

        Discussion points

        • What are an eating disorder and the most common types

        • How would you suspect if your child is struggling with an eating disorder and

        • How can you help and support your child to get better

        • Treatment options for eating disorders

        • Healthy nutrition and eating habits for growing teenagers

        Target audience

        • General Public, parents, caregivers
        • School counselors
        • School social works
        • Colleague/ university students
      • Mar - 11

          World Kidney Day

          Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere – Living Well with Kidney Disease

          The World Kidney Day has declared 2021 the year of “Living Well with Kidney Disease”. This has been done in order to both increase education and awareness about effective symptom management and patient empowerment, with the ultimate goal of encouraging life participation. Whilst effective measures to prevent kidney disease and its progression are important, patients with kidney disease – including those who depend on dialysis and transplantation – and their care givers should also feel supported, especially during pandemics and other challenging periods, by the concerted efforts of kidney professionals.

          In support of this, Sidra Medicine are hosting a symposium on Thursday 11th March 2021 to increase education and awareness of the work that is done by our kidney professionals here at Sidra to support our children and families living with Chronic Kidney Disease.

          Target Audience

          • Nurses
          • Physicians
          • Allied Health

          Contact details:

        • Apr - 8

            Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts: Gestational diabetes and Ramadan

            Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

            Title of the session: Gestational diabetes and Ramadan

            Speaker: Alyaa Al Sulaiti - Registered Dietitian I

            Discussion points:

            • Definition and diagnosis of gestational diabetes
            • Create a food plan appropriate for Ramadan
            • The importance of fluids and physical activity
            • How to monitor your sugar reading during the day
            • How to deal with low and high blood sugar levels

            Target Audience: Public

          • May - 5

              Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts: Women’s Mental Health in the time of COVID

              Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.


              Dr. Sawssan Ahmed- PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Women’s Mental Health Team


              Dr. Felice Watt- Division Chief and Adult Psychiatrist, Women’s Mental Health Team

              Discussion points

              • Anxiety and fear 

              • What you can do to manage it- Connecting, Preparation and planning, Reducing anxious thoughts, Relaxation and mindfulness, 

              • Available sources of Help

              • Investments needed for future

              Target Audience


            • Jun - 22

                Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Patient Engagement and Empowerment (Arabic Session)

                Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.

                TITLE OF THE SESSION

                Health literacy-patient empowerment (Arabic Session)

                THE SPEAKERS

                • Aljori Alajji - Health Educator

                • Fatima Al-Maslamani - Health Educator

                DISCUSSION POINTS

                • What is patient engagement?
                • How does it affect my health outcomes?
                • What are the Areas where I can be actively engaged?
                • What is the Patients’ bill of rights and responsibilities ?
                • Please let me know if you need anything else.

                TARGET AUDIENCE

                • General Public, parents, caregivers
                • School counselors
                • School social works 
                • Colleague/ university students
              • Jul - 5

                  Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Patient Engagement and Empowerment (English Session)

                  Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.

                  TITLE OF THE SESSION

                  Patient Engagement and Empowerment (English Session)

                  THE SPEAKERS

                  • Aljori Alajji - Health Educator

                  • Fatima Al-Maslamani - Health Educator

                  DISCUSSION POINTS

                  • What is patient engagement?
                  • How does it affect my health outcomes?
                  • What are the Areas where I can be actively engaged?
                  • What is the Patients’ bill of rights and responsibilities ?

                  TARGET AUDIENCE

                  • General Public, parents, caregivers
                  • School counselors
                  • School social works 
                  • Colleague/ university students
                • Sep - Sep 1 - 4

                    Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS), Las Vegas

                    Sidra Medicine will be participating at the Annual Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS) from 1ST to 4th of September, 2021. PICS is one of the largest cardiac symposia dedicated to the latest breakthroughs in the treatment of patients with congenital and structural heart diseases. 

                    The Symposium will focus on the latest interventional catheter strategies for congenital and structural heart disease in children and adults. The program will include daily live case demonstrations from cath labs around the world and will spotlight technologies in devices, implantable valves, stents, balloons and other approaches. In addition, special didactic sessions will demonstrate closure of septal defects of all types, percutaneous valve implantation & repair, stents, hybrid techniques and much more. The educational program will also include debates between surgeons and cardiologists, oral and poster abstract presentations and “My Nightmare Case in the Cath Lab”. For more information on the program and to register to attend the symposium in person, please visit 

                    TARGET AUDIENCE

                    • Interventional congenital & Structural Cardiologists, Interventional Radiologists, Congenital Cardiac Surgeons  
                    • Advanced Medical Providers 
                    • Nurses 
                    • Technician, Technologists, Sonographers 
                    • Students        
                    • Industry 

                    IMPORTANT DATES & TIMES

                    • PICS 2021 Symposium at The Aria Convention Center, Las Vegas, September 1-4, 2021
                  • Sep - 6

                      Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Think sepsis save lives - Community role in sepsis management

                      Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.


                      Dr Rasha Ashour - Senior Attending Physician


                      Joy Floro - Clinical Nurse Educator

                      Discussion points

                      • What is sepsis 
                      • What happens when you have sepsis 
                      • What are the effects of sepsis

                      Target Audience


                    • Sep - 13

                        The Qatar 8th National Sepsis Symposium

                        The Qatar 8th National Sepsis Symposium is a favorable moment to increase healthcare provider and public awareness about Sepsis. It is a great opportunity to remind the public, media, national healthcare authorities, healthcare providers, and healthcare workers that there is an urgent need to increase and improve Sepsis education within healthcare facilities across Qatar.

                        The event will bring together national and international healthcare professionals to discuss all aspects of sepsis and its wide-ranging consequences and aspects, including prevention of Sepsis through vaccines, evidence-based correlation between COVID-19 and Sepsis, biomarkers of Sepsis, best practices for treatment, and much more

                        The Q8NSS is hosted by JetWebinar for the livestream. Please check email (including spam) from Jetwebinar for your personal login link.

                        Target Audience

                        Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists and Allied Health Practitioners

                        Brief Points

                        1. Sepsis prevention implementation strategies to decrease the incidence of sepsis nationally and internationally
                        2. Impact of CoVid-19 vaccination on incidence of sepsis in adults and children
                        3. Focus on Sepsis Biomarkers
                        4. Awareness campaign on:    
                        • Qatar sepsis national program 
                        • Quality Improvement Projects and Research in Sepsis in Qatar

                        Welcome Remarks

                        International Speakers

                        • Dr. John Bradley (Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego, California, USA)
                        • Dr. Abdulelah Alhawsawi (EMSA–Eastern Mediterranean Sepsis Alliance)

                        Qatar Specialty Speakers

                        • Dr. Nahla Hassan Sharaf Ministry of Public Health - Qatar
                        • Dr. Muna Al-Maslamani Communicable Disease Center
                        • Dr. Eman Al-Maslamani Infectious Diseases, Sidra Medicine
                        • Dr. Abdulsalam Saif Ibrahim Hamad Medical Center Corporation
                        • Dr. Khalid Al Ansari Emergency Medicine, Sidra Medicine
                        • Dr. Wael Ezzeldin Saeed Primary Health Care Corporation
                        • Dr. Ahmed Labib Qatar Sepsis Expert

                        Panel Speakers    

                        • Dr. Khalid Alyafei Medical Informatics – Sidra Medicine
                        • Sachin Sharma IT/Cerner – Sidra Medicine
                        • Lin Zaghmout Quality – Sidra Medicine
                        • Jawad Ahamed Data Analytics - Sidra Medicine

                        Sidra Medicine Moderators

                        • Dr. Mohammad Al Janahi Division Chief -Infectious Disease, Chair – Sidra Sepsis Program
                        • Dr. Rasha Ashour Senior attending physician – Pediatrics, Lead – National Pediatric Sepsis Program & Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                        • Joy Kiat-Floro Co-Lead – Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                        • Dr. Khawla Ismail Physician Lead – Sidra Medicine Women’s Sepsis Program
                        • Dr. Phani Kiran Physician Lead – Sidra Medicine Neonatal  Sepsis Program
                        • Dr. Patricia Abboud, Medical Director - Pediatric ICU 

                        Q8NSS Sidra Medicine Scientific Planning Committee

                        • Chair – Dr. Rasha Ashour -  Senior attending physician – Pediatrics, Lead – National Pediatric Sepsis Program & Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                        • Co-Chair – Joy Kiat-Floro, MBA, MSN, RN - Nurse Educator - Professional Practice
                        • Sepsis Quality Lead – Lin Zaghmout, PMP, MBA  - Data Manager - Quality

                        Registration is now closed

                        For More information




                        View All Partners

                      • Sep - Sep 15 - 16

                          Pediatric Point Of Care UltraSound (POCUS)

                          Sidra Pediatric Emergency Department team has successfully conducted several Pediatric POCUS courses over the past 3 years with excellent feedback. This 2 day interactive hands-on practical workshop will guide the clinician to gain the required knowledge and competence in the pediatric point of care ultrasound. This is a QCHP approved CME activity with Category 1 & 3 points.

                          The use of point of care ultrasound in the Emergency Department is now the standard of care and been recognised as a major element in the emergency medicine board training in Canada and the ACGME training programs in the US.  Clinicians at pediatric institutions are expected to be able to provide this point of care bedside standard.

                          Reference Reading Material

                          Course Manual will be emailed to registered candidates

                          Target Audience


                          Numbers of seats available


                          • Course Director: Dr Khalid Al Ansari
                          • Course Chairman & facilitator: Dr Muthukumar Sakthivel


                          • Dr Barbara Blackie 
                          • Dr Gokul Erumbala
                          • Dr Usama Al-Kanani
                          • Dr Sheik Abdul Razak
                          • Dr Sohail Ghani
                          • Dr Ashok Aralihond

                          For booking - email

                      • Mar - 4

                          Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Overview of Eating Disorders in children and teens, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa.

                          Eating disorders are very complex illnesses that have very serious and harmful effects.

                          Many things contribute to their development.

                          Youth with eating disorders are often lonely and terrified. Families often don't know what to do. There may be a delay between the start of an eating disorder and a decision to look for help. The person with the problem may feel more and more isolated.
                          Eating disorders affects all racial and ethnic groups. Boys and young men can also develop eating disorders where focus on leanness, weight control, and muscle building is common. Eating disorders in boys can be serious and may be life-threatening.

                          Parents, relatives and school personnel need to be aware of risk factors and symptoms of eating disorders to identify it early and take the necessary steps to address these issues early to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and teens.

                          The Speakers


                          Schahla Al-Shibli
                          Clinical Psychologist


                          Dionne Sears
                          Supervisor - Social work department


                          Athba Al-Safi
                          Clinical Dietitian

                          The Moderator 


                          Dr.Alanoud Al-ansari

                          Division Chief, Adolescent Medicine

                          Discussion points

                          • What are an eating disorder and the most common types

                          • How would you suspect if your child is struggling with an eating disorder and

                          • How can you help and support your child to get better

                          • Treatment options for eating disorders

                          • Healthy nutrition and eating habits for growing teenagers

                          Target audience

                          • General Public, parents, caregivers
                          • School counselors
                          • School social works
                          • Colleague/ university students
                        • Mar - 11

                            World Kidney Day

                            Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere – Living Well with Kidney Disease

                            The World Kidney Day has declared 2021 the year of “Living Well with Kidney Disease”. This has been done in order to both increase education and awareness about effective symptom management and patient empowerment, with the ultimate goal of encouraging life participation. Whilst effective measures to prevent kidney disease and its progression are important, patients with kidney disease – including those who depend on dialysis and transplantation – and their care givers should also feel supported, especially during pandemics and other challenging periods, by the concerted efforts of kidney professionals.

                            In support of this, Sidra Medicine are hosting a symposium on Thursday 11th March 2021 to increase education and awareness of the work that is done by our kidney professionals here at Sidra to support our children and families living with Chronic Kidney Disease.

                            Target Audience

                            • Nurses
                            • Physicians
                            • Allied Health

                            Contact details:

                          • Apr - 8

                              Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts: Gestational diabetes and Ramadan

                              Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

                              Title of the session: Gestational diabetes and Ramadan

                              Speaker: Alyaa Al Sulaiti - Registered Dietitian I

                              Discussion points:

                              • Definition and diagnosis of gestational diabetes
                              • Create a food plan appropriate for Ramadan
                              • The importance of fluids and physical activity
                              • How to monitor your sugar reading during the day
                              • How to deal with low and high blood sugar levels

                              Target Audience: Public

                            • May - 5

                                Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts: Women’s Mental Health in the time of COVID

                                Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.


                                Dr. Sawssan Ahmed- PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Women’s Mental Health Team


                                Dr. Felice Watt- Division Chief and Adult Psychiatrist, Women’s Mental Health Team

                                Discussion points

                                • Anxiety and fear 

                                • What you can do to manage it- Connecting, Preparation and planning, Reducing anxious thoughts, Relaxation and mindfulness, 

                                • Available sources of Help

                                • Investments needed for future

                                Target Audience


                              • Jun - 22

                                  Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Patient Engagement and Empowerment (Arabic Session)

                                  Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.

                                  TITLE OF THE SESSION

                                  Health literacy-patient empowerment (Arabic Session)

                                  THE SPEAKERS

                                  • Aljori Alajji - Health Educator

                                  • Fatima Al-Maslamani - Health Educator

                                  DISCUSSION POINTS

                                  • What is patient engagement?
                                  • How does it affect my health outcomes?
                                  • What are the Areas where I can be actively engaged?
                                  • What is the Patients’ bill of rights and responsibilities ?
                                  • Please let me know if you need anything else.

                                  TARGET AUDIENCE

                                  • General Public, parents, caregivers
                                  • School counselors
                                  • School social works 
                                  • Colleague/ university students
                                • Jul - 5

                                    Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Patient Engagement and Empowerment (English Session)

                                    Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.

                                    TITLE OF THE SESSION

                                    Patient Engagement and Empowerment (English Session)

                                    THE SPEAKERS

                                    • Aljori Alajji - Health Educator

                                    • Fatima Al-Maslamani - Health Educator

                                    DISCUSSION POINTS

                                    • What is patient engagement?
                                    • How does it affect my health outcomes?
                                    • What are the Areas where I can be actively engaged?
                                    • What is the Patients’ bill of rights and responsibilities ?

                                    TARGET AUDIENCE

                                    • General Public, parents, caregivers
                                    • School counselors
                                    • School social works 
                                    • Colleague/ university students
                                  • Sep - Sep 1 - 4

                                      Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS), Las Vegas

                                      Sidra Medicine will be participating at the Annual Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS) from 1ST to 4th of September, 2021. PICS is one of the largest cardiac symposia dedicated to the latest breakthroughs in the treatment of patients with congenital and structural heart diseases. 

                                      The Symposium will focus on the latest interventional catheter strategies for congenital and structural heart disease in children and adults. The program will include daily live case demonstrations from cath labs around the world and will spotlight technologies in devices, implantable valves, stents, balloons and other approaches. In addition, special didactic sessions will demonstrate closure of septal defects of all types, percutaneous valve implantation & repair, stents, hybrid techniques and much more. The educational program will also include debates between surgeons and cardiologists, oral and poster abstract presentations and “My Nightmare Case in the Cath Lab”. For more information on the program and to register to attend the symposium in person, please visit 

                                      TARGET AUDIENCE

                                      • Interventional congenital & Structural Cardiologists, Interventional Radiologists, Congenital Cardiac Surgeons  
                                      • Advanced Medical Providers 
                                      • Nurses 
                                      • Technician, Technologists, Sonographers 
                                      • Students        
                                      • Industry 

                                      IMPORTANT DATES & TIMES

                                      • PICS 2021 Symposium at The Aria Convention Center, Las Vegas, September 1-4, 2021
                                    • Sep - 6

                                        Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts: Think sepsis save lives - Community role in sepsis management

                                        Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine's Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women's and children's health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice, diabetes management guidance for parents and patients, mental health, and more.


                                        Dr Rasha Ashour - Senior Attending Physician


                                        Joy Floro - Clinical Nurse Educator

                                        Discussion points

                                        • What is sepsis 
                                        • What happens when you have sepsis 
                                        • What are the effects of sepsis

                                        Target Audience


                                      • Sep - 13

                                          The Qatar 8th National Sepsis Symposium

                                          The Qatar 8th National Sepsis Symposium is a favorable moment to increase healthcare provider and public awareness about Sepsis. It is a great opportunity to remind the public, media, national healthcare authorities, healthcare providers, and healthcare workers that there is an urgent need to increase and improve Sepsis education within healthcare facilities across Qatar.

                                          The event will bring together national and international healthcare professionals to discuss all aspects of sepsis and its wide-ranging consequences and aspects, including prevention of Sepsis through vaccines, evidence-based correlation between COVID-19 and Sepsis, biomarkers of Sepsis, best practices for treatment, and much more

                                          The Q8NSS is hosted by JetWebinar for the livestream. Please check email (including spam) from Jetwebinar for your personal login link.

                                          Target Audience

                                          Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists and Allied Health Practitioners

                                          Brief Points

                                          1. Sepsis prevention implementation strategies to decrease the incidence of sepsis nationally and internationally
                                          2. Impact of CoVid-19 vaccination on incidence of sepsis in adults and children
                                          3. Focus on Sepsis Biomarkers
                                          4. Awareness campaign on:    
                                          • Qatar sepsis national program 
                                          • Quality Improvement Projects and Research in Sepsis in Qatar

                                          Welcome Remarks

                                          International Speakers

                                          • Dr. John Bradley (Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego, California, USA)
                                          • Dr. Abdulelah Alhawsawi (EMSA–Eastern Mediterranean Sepsis Alliance)

                                          Qatar Specialty Speakers

                                          • Dr. Nahla Hassan Sharaf Ministry of Public Health - Qatar
                                          • Dr. Muna Al-Maslamani Communicable Disease Center
                                          • Dr. Eman Al-Maslamani Infectious Diseases, Sidra Medicine
                                          • Dr. Abdulsalam Saif Ibrahim Hamad Medical Center Corporation
                                          • Dr. Khalid Al Ansari Emergency Medicine, Sidra Medicine
                                          • Dr. Wael Ezzeldin Saeed Primary Health Care Corporation
                                          • Dr. Ahmed Labib Qatar Sepsis Expert

                                          Panel Speakers    

                                          • Dr. Khalid Alyafei Medical Informatics – Sidra Medicine
                                          • Sachin Sharma IT/Cerner – Sidra Medicine
                                          • Lin Zaghmout Quality – Sidra Medicine
                                          • Jawad Ahamed Data Analytics - Sidra Medicine

                                          Sidra Medicine Moderators

                                          • Dr. Mohammad Al Janahi Division Chief -Infectious Disease, Chair – Sidra Sepsis Program
                                          • Dr. Rasha Ashour Senior attending physician – Pediatrics, Lead – National Pediatric Sepsis Program & Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                                          • Joy Kiat-Floro Co-Lead – Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                                          • Dr. Khawla Ismail Physician Lead – Sidra Medicine Women’s Sepsis Program
                                          • Dr. Phani Kiran Physician Lead – Sidra Medicine Neonatal  Sepsis Program
                                          • Dr. Patricia Abboud, Medical Director - Pediatric ICU 

                                          Q8NSS Sidra Medicine Scientific Planning Committee

                                          • Chair – Dr. Rasha Ashour -  Senior attending physician – Pediatrics, Lead – National Pediatric Sepsis Program & Sidra Medicine Sepsis Program
                                          • Co-Chair – Joy Kiat-Floro, MBA, MSN, RN - Nurse Educator - Professional Practice
                                          • Sepsis Quality Lead – Lin Zaghmout, PMP, MBA  - Data Manager - Quality

                                          Registration is now closed

                                          For More information




                                          View All Partners

                                        • Sep - Sep 15 - 16

                                            Pediatric Point Of Care UltraSound (POCUS)

                                            Sidra Pediatric Emergency Department team has successfully conducted several Pediatric POCUS courses over the past 3 years with excellent feedback. This 2 day interactive hands-on practical workshop will guide the clinician to gain the required knowledge and competence in the pediatric point of care ultrasound. This is a QCHP approved CME activity with Category 1 & 3 points.

                                            The use of point of care ultrasound in the Emergency Department is now the standard of care and been recognised as a major element in the emergency medicine board training in Canada and the ACGME training programs in the US.  Clinicians at pediatric institutions are expected to be able to provide this point of care bedside standard.

                                            Reference Reading Material

                                            Course Manual will be emailed to registered candidates

                                            Target Audience


                                            Numbers of seats available


                                            • Course Director: Dr Khalid Al Ansari
                                            • Course Chairman & facilitator: Dr Muthukumar Sakthivel


                                            • Dr Barbara Blackie 
                                            • Dr Gokul Erumbala
                                            • Dr Usama Al-Kanani
                                            • Dr Sheik Abdul Razak
                                            • Dr Sohail Ghani
                                            • Dr Ashok Aralihond

                                            For booking - email