Events Calendar

November 2019

    • Nov - 2

        Gastroenterology Study Day

        This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 6.75 hours for Category 1.”
        “This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 6.75 hours Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.”

        Course Directors: Dr. Wesam Al-Masri, Prof. Anthony Akobeng and Dr. Mamoun Elawad

        Target audience: Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Allied Health Practitioners

        Overall Learning Objectives:

        • Discuss gastrointestinal problems that are commonly seen in the primary care and secondary care facility in Qatar with physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals to raise the awareness of these problems and provide a discussion about best practice in approaching patients suspected to have any of these gastrointestinal problems.
        • Facilitate the referral process from the primary and secondary care to Sidra services by giving guidance on referral criteria.
        • Raise the awareness of available evidence-based management approach of commonly seen gastrointestinal problems among health care providers in Qatar which will ensure better patient care and outcomes.

        The scientific planning committee has reviewed all disclosed financial relationships of speakers, moderators, facilitators and/or authors in advance of this CPD activity and has implemented procedures to manage any potential or real conflicts of interest.



        Contact Info: For inquiries email:

      • Nov - 2

          Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts

          Children with Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19


          Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

          Speaker: Prof. Goran Petrovski, MD, MSc, Ph.D., Diabetes Consultant

          Moderator: Judith Campbell, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Endocrinology


          Discussion Points:

          1. Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
          2. Treatment and technologies for Type 1 Diabetes
          3. Remote care of Diabetes
          4. Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19 pandemic

          Target Audience: Public


          This webinar is intended solely to provide general information to the public. The views, medical advice, and opinions expressed as part of this Webinar are those of the expert presenters do not necessarily state Sidra Medicine’s opinion.

          This Webinar is not intended, nor can you rely upon it, in relation to your medical condition(s). Further, this Webinar is not intended, nor can it replace the care of your own personal doctor. You may need to discuss the topics presented in the Webinar in more detail with your personal doctor.

          With respect to this Webinar, Sidra Medicine does not make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

          By attending this Webinar, you understand that Sidra Medicine may record this Webinar and agree to publish this Webinar on Sidra Medicine’s website and/or any social media platforms. Sidra Medicine may, at its sole discretion, publish the Webinar including your question (presented anonymously) and presenters’ response for other users to view. Any copyrights in the material contained in the Webinar belongs solely to Sidra Medicine.

          By attending this Webinar, you agree that Sidra Medicine will not be liable for any loss incurred due to the use or reliance on the information, medical advice, and the material contained in this Webinar.

          Sidra Medicine’s Webinars are governed by Qatari law.

        • Nov - 2

            Safe Splash (English)

            Visit The Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive and fun learning activity for children.

            This month’s activity focuses on how to stay safe around water.

            Location: Outpatient Clinic, Plaza Level.

            Contact Info: Phone: (+974) 4003 6277, Email:

          • Nov - 2

              Keep Hydrated (English)

              Visit the Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive and fun learning activity for children.

              This month’s activity focuses on hydration.

              Contact Info: Phone: (+974) 4003 6277, Email:

            • Nov - 2

                My Journey with Diabetes ( Arabic)

                In support of the World Diabetes Day, visit the Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive session where families of children with type 1 diabetes share their experiences in the management and care of their children.

              • Nov - 2

                  The Second Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons – Qatar Chapter

                  The second annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons – Qatar Chapter, is one of the most appealing surgical meetings in the state of Qatar. Surgeons, surgical trainees, medical students and allied health professionals gather in a well formulated educational opportunity of scientific lectures, keynote speaks and pre-conference workshop is planned.

                  The pre-conference workshop aims at training young surgeons and surgical trainees on basic and advanced laparoscopy skills. Basic laparoscopic skills; such as laparoscopic precision cutting, laparoscopic suturing and knotting. Advanced training will include creation of anastomosis, and laparoscopic suturing of defects, in addition to upper and lower endoscopy as well as bronchoscopy.

                  Renowned international and local speakers will be giving talks about principles of laparoscopic surgery and surgical endoscopy. Advances in children and women surgical services in Qatar will be showcased by the local experts.

                  On this year’s meeting, researchers, trainees and students will have the opportunity to present their works in the E-Posters session. With focused research idea, abstract, or case reports presentations for 2 -3 minutes each. A panel will review the presentations and the best presentation will be awarded at the end of the meeting.
                  Qatar chapter of the ACS, is the newest addition to the 112 local chapters of the college, which provides for a close association of the members of the college in Qatar in their common effort to improve the quality of surgical care. It also offers a medium through which surgical experiences may be presented and discussed, and it constitutes a common ground for specialists in the various branches of surgery.

                  The inaugural meeting of the Qatar chapter, which took place on April 26th, 2018 was attended by the past president of the college; Dr Barbra Lee Bass, who, in addition of giving a talk, was one of the panelists for the surgical research symposium (Ibn Al-Abbas).


                  • Dr Bipand Chand, Director, Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery and Bariatric Care
                  • Dr David Sigalet, Chief Clinical Services Officer, Sidra Medicine
                  • Dr Abdalla Zarroug Division Chief – General / Thoracic Surgery, Sidra Medicine
                  • Dr Mansour Ali, Executive Chair of Ped Surgery, Sidra Medicine.
                  • Dr Aisha Yousif, Medical Director, Reproductive Surgery
                  • Dr Deepa Chand, Pediatric nephrologist, Chicago, IL.
                  • Dr Hiba Abdelaziz, Governor, American College of Surgery – Qatar Chapter
                  • Dr Amira Al Hail, Sr. Consultant ENT, HMC.


                  Organizing Committee

                  • Dr Muthana Al-Salihi (Chair)
                  • Dr Abdalla Zarroug
                  • Dr Syed Muhammad Ali
                  • Dr Rashad Alfkey
                  • Dr Ehab Massad
                  • Dr Ahmad Abutaka
                  • Dr Kulsoom Junejo
                • Nov - 2

                    Epilepsy Awareness Day

                    Sidra Medicine will be hosting an Epilepsy Awareness Day Workshop in both Arabic and English. 

                    The event is free and aimed at School Nurses, School Teachers and Social Workers.

                    Location: Sidra Medicine Auditorium, Level 2 

                    Program (each session will run for 30 minutes) 

                    1. Main Definition of Epilepsy, Dr. Khalid Ibrahim
                    2. Treatment and Diagnosis, Dr. Amna Al Ahmed
                    3. Factors Affecting the School-Aged Children, Dr. Rana Al Shami
                    4. Management of Seizure – Nurse Coordinators, Kathie Teta

                    Arabic Session 

                    • 7.00 - 8.00am Registration for Arabic session (Governmental Schools) 
                    • 8.00 - 11.00am Full Program (Arabic)   
                    • 9.30 - 10.00am Refreshments 
                    • 11.00am - 12.00pm End/Prayer

                    English Session

                    • 11.30am - 12.00pm  Registration for English Session (Private Schools) 
                    • 12.00 - 3.00pm Full Program (English) 
                    • 1.30 - 2.00pm Refreshments

                    Contact Info: Amal Chehab, 40036759

                  • Nov - 2

                      Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts

                      Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for you and your kid

                      (In Arabic Language)

                      Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

                      Naglaa Hassouna


                      Naglaa Hassouna

                      Clinical Nurse






                      Fatema-Alzhra Shatnawi


                      Fatema-Alzhra Shatnawi

                      Clinical Midwife Leader




                      Discussion Points

                      • Mother's milk secret

                      • Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and child

                      • Return to work and storing milk

                      • Breastfeeding positions

                      Target AudiencePublic

                      Click to Join the Webinar


                      This webinar is intended solely to provide general information to the public. The views, medical advice, and opinions expressed as part of this Webinar are those of the expert presenters do not necessarily represent Sidra Medicine’s opinion.
                      This Webinar is not intended, nor can you rely upon it, in relation to your medical condition(s). Further, this Webinar is not intended, nor can it replace the care of your own personal doctor. You may need to discuss the topics presented in the Webinar in more detail with your personal doctor.
                      With respect to this Webinar, Sidra Medicine does not make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
                      By attending this Webinar, you understand that Sidra Medicine may record this Webinar and agree to publish this Webinar on Sidra Medicine’s website and/or any social media platforms. Sidra Medicine may, at its sole discretion, publish the Webinar including your question (presented anonymously) and presenters’ response for other users to view. Any copyrights in the material contained in the Webinar belongs solely to Sidra Medicine.
                      By attending this Webinar, you agree that Sidra Medicine will not be liable for any loss incurred due to the use or reliance on the information, medical advice, and the material contained in this Webinar.
                      Sidra Medicine’s Webinars are governed by Qatari law.
                    • Nov - 2

                        Radiation Protection for Medical Practitioners

                        This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 7.5 hours for Category 1.

                        About the event: 8-hour full day, classroom-based, instructor-led course. Reinforces the healthcare professionals' understanding of the need for radiological safety through safe work practices when working around equipment that generates X-rays, and also around radioactive sources used for diagnostic imaging and therapy. Optimization of patient-based radiation exposure for all imaging modalities is also reinforced. The activity is high-quality teaching that is essential in educating the healthcare workers to understand different radiation imaging modalities used in diagnostic imaging and will enable them to minimize both their own exposure to radiation, as well as that of their patients. Learners will also have an awareness of their responsibilities in order to achieve compliance under the radiation regulations of Qatar.

                        Target Audience: Medical practitioners requiring a radiation worker's license as per the requirements of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to operate ionizing radiation equipment or work with radiation.


                        Overall Program Learning Outcomes

                        • Describe the main sources of ionizing radiation and its risks
                        • List the framework and principles of ionizing radiation safety for staff, the general public, and patients
                        • Define work practices and techniques that limit occupational exposure and optimize patient exposure to ionizing radiation
                        • Explain responsibilities as per the radiation safety requirements of the State of Qatar and the ability to work safely within these requirements.

                        Contact Info: Jasna Palliparambil,

                      • Nov - 2

                          Inaugural Pediatric Neuroscience Conference: A Focus on Epilepsy and Spasticity

                          It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the inaugural Sidra Medicine Pediatric Neuroscience Conference (SMPNC). This educational event will feature both local and international experts in the field of neuroscience and will serve to advance the understanding of epidemiology and mechanisms of neurological diseases with a special focus on epilepsy and spasticity, discuss advances in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, and improve the health outcomes of the children of Qatar living with chronic neurological diseases.

                          The theme of SPNC-2019 will revolve around two critical areas in pediatric neuroscience:
                          · Epilepsy with focuses on innovations in new therapeutics and epilepsy surgery.
                          · Spasticity management including neurosurgical advances.

                          The conference brings together globally recognized experts in pediatric neurology and neurosurgery from all over the world and offers a unique program that is of global relevance and significant educational impact.

                          "This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 11 hours for Category 1.” “This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 11 hours Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change."


                          Why should I attend?
                          SPNC-2019 Scientific Conference is uniting professionals in the fields of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and rehabilitation medicine. This is a fantastic opportunity for the delegates to network and have issues addressed by recognized experts who are up to date with the latest developments and provide information on new techniques and technologies.

                          Target Audience:
                          • Neurologists.
                          • Neurosurgeons.
                          • Neurophysiologists.
                          • Pediatricians.
                          • Pediatric researchers.
                          • Pediatric Nurses.
                          • Allied health specialists (PT, OT, SLP and dietician)
                          • Trainees (medical students, residents, fellows)

                      • Nov - 2

                          Gastroenterology Study Day

                          This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 6.75 hours for Category 1.”
                          “This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 6.75 hours Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.”

                          Course Directors: Dr. Wesam Al-Masri, Prof. Anthony Akobeng and Dr. Mamoun Elawad

                          Target audience: Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Allied Health Practitioners

                          Overall Learning Objectives:

                          • Discuss gastrointestinal problems that are commonly seen in the primary care and secondary care facility in Qatar with physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals to raise the awareness of these problems and provide a discussion about best practice in approaching patients suspected to have any of these gastrointestinal problems.
                          • Facilitate the referral process from the primary and secondary care to Sidra services by giving guidance on referral criteria.
                          • Raise the awareness of available evidence-based management approach of commonly seen gastrointestinal problems among health care providers in Qatar which will ensure better patient care and outcomes.

                          The scientific planning committee has reviewed all disclosed financial relationships of speakers, moderators, facilitators and/or authors in advance of this CPD activity and has implemented procedures to manage any potential or real conflicts of interest.



                          Contact Info: For inquiries email:

                        • Nov - 2

                            Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts

                            Children with Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19


                            Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

                            Speaker: Prof. Goran Petrovski, MD, MSc, Ph.D., Diabetes Consultant

                            Moderator: Judith Campbell, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Endocrinology


                            Discussion Points:

                            1. Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
                            2. Treatment and technologies for Type 1 Diabetes
                            3. Remote care of Diabetes
                            4. Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19 pandemic

                            Target Audience: Public


                            This webinar is intended solely to provide general information to the public. The views, medical advice, and opinions expressed as part of this Webinar are those of the expert presenters do not necessarily state Sidra Medicine’s opinion.

                            This Webinar is not intended, nor can you rely upon it, in relation to your medical condition(s). Further, this Webinar is not intended, nor can it replace the care of your own personal doctor. You may need to discuss the topics presented in the Webinar in more detail with your personal doctor.

                            With respect to this Webinar, Sidra Medicine does not make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

                            By attending this Webinar, you understand that Sidra Medicine may record this Webinar and agree to publish this Webinar on Sidra Medicine’s website and/or any social media platforms. Sidra Medicine may, at its sole discretion, publish the Webinar including your question (presented anonymously) and presenters’ response for other users to view. Any copyrights in the material contained in the Webinar belongs solely to Sidra Medicine.

                            By attending this Webinar, you agree that Sidra Medicine will not be liable for any loss incurred due to the use or reliance on the information, medical advice, and the material contained in this Webinar.

                            Sidra Medicine’s Webinars are governed by Qatari law.

                          • Nov - 2

                              Safe Splash (English)

                              Visit The Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive and fun learning activity for children.

                              This month’s activity focuses on how to stay safe around water.

                              Location: Outpatient Clinic, Plaza Level.

                              Contact Info: Phone: (+974) 4003 6277, Email:

                            • Nov - 2

                                Keep Hydrated (English)

                                Visit the Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive and fun learning activity for children.

                                This month’s activity focuses on hydration.

                                Contact Info: Phone: (+974) 4003 6277, Email:

                              • Nov - 2

                                  My Journey with Diabetes ( Arabic)

                                  In support of the World Diabetes Day, visit the Patient and Family Education Center for an interactive session where families of children with type 1 diabetes share their experiences in the management and care of their children.

                                • Nov - 2

                                    The Second Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons – Qatar Chapter

                                    The second annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons – Qatar Chapter, is one of the most appealing surgical meetings in the state of Qatar. Surgeons, surgical trainees, medical students and allied health professionals gather in a well formulated educational opportunity of scientific lectures, keynote speaks and pre-conference workshop is planned.

                                    The pre-conference workshop aims at training young surgeons and surgical trainees on basic and advanced laparoscopy skills. Basic laparoscopic skills; such as laparoscopic precision cutting, laparoscopic suturing and knotting. Advanced training will include creation of anastomosis, and laparoscopic suturing of defects, in addition to upper and lower endoscopy as well as bronchoscopy.

                                    Renowned international and local speakers will be giving talks about principles of laparoscopic surgery and surgical endoscopy. Advances in children and women surgical services in Qatar will be showcased by the local experts.

                                    On this year’s meeting, researchers, trainees and students will have the opportunity to present their works in the E-Posters session. With focused research idea, abstract, or case reports presentations for 2 -3 minutes each. A panel will review the presentations and the best presentation will be awarded at the end of the meeting.
                                    Qatar chapter of the ACS, is the newest addition to the 112 local chapters of the college, which provides for a close association of the members of the college in Qatar in their common effort to improve the quality of surgical care. It also offers a medium through which surgical experiences may be presented and discussed, and it constitutes a common ground for specialists in the various branches of surgery.

                                    The inaugural meeting of the Qatar chapter, which took place on April 26th, 2018 was attended by the past president of the college; Dr Barbra Lee Bass, who, in addition of giving a talk, was one of the panelists for the surgical research symposium (Ibn Al-Abbas).


                                    • Dr Bipand Chand, Director, Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery and Bariatric Care
                                    • Dr David Sigalet, Chief Clinical Services Officer, Sidra Medicine
                                    • Dr Abdalla Zarroug Division Chief – General / Thoracic Surgery, Sidra Medicine
                                    • Dr Mansour Ali, Executive Chair of Ped Surgery, Sidra Medicine.
                                    • Dr Aisha Yousif, Medical Director, Reproductive Surgery
                                    • Dr Deepa Chand, Pediatric nephrologist, Chicago, IL.
                                    • Dr Hiba Abdelaziz, Governor, American College of Surgery – Qatar Chapter
                                    • Dr Amira Al Hail, Sr. Consultant ENT, HMC.


                                    Organizing Committee

                                    • Dr Muthana Al-Salihi (Chair)
                                    • Dr Abdalla Zarroug
                                    • Dr Syed Muhammad Ali
                                    • Dr Rashad Alfkey
                                    • Dr Ehab Massad
                                    • Dr Ahmad Abutaka
                                    • Dr Kulsoom Junejo
                                  • Nov - 2

                                      Epilepsy Awareness Day

                                      Sidra Medicine will be hosting an Epilepsy Awareness Day Workshop in both Arabic and English. 

                                      The event is free and aimed at School Nurses, School Teachers and Social Workers.

                                      Location: Sidra Medicine Auditorium, Level 2 

                                      Program (each session will run for 30 minutes) 

                                      1. Main Definition of Epilepsy, Dr. Khalid Ibrahim
                                      2. Treatment and Diagnosis, Dr. Amna Al Ahmed
                                      3. Factors Affecting the School-Aged Children, Dr. Rana Al Shami
                                      4. Management of Seizure – Nurse Coordinators, Kathie Teta

                                      Arabic Session 

                                      • 7.00 - 8.00am Registration for Arabic session (Governmental Schools) 
                                      • 8.00 - 11.00am Full Program (Arabic)   
                                      • 9.30 - 10.00am Refreshments 
                                      • 11.00am - 12.00pm End/Prayer

                                      English Session

                                      • 11.30am - 12.00pm  Registration for English Session (Private Schools) 
                                      • 12.00 - 3.00pm Full Program (English) 
                                      • 1.30 - 2.00pm Refreshments

                                      Contact Info: Amal Chehab, 40036759

                                    • Nov - 2

                                        Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts

                                        Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for you and your kid

                                        (In Arabic Language)

                                        Join us for the free Meet Sidra Medicine’s Experts webinar series, featuring guidance and recommendations on subjects related to women’s and children’s health. We will be sharing a range of topics, including lactation and nutritional advice; diabetes management guidance for parents and patients; mental health, and more.

                                        Naglaa Hassouna


                                        Naglaa Hassouna

                                        Clinical Nurse






                                        Fatema-Alzhra Shatnawi


                                        Fatema-Alzhra Shatnawi

                                        Clinical Midwife Leader




                                        Discussion Points

                                        • Mother's milk secret

                                        • Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and child

                                        • Return to work and storing milk

                                        • Breastfeeding positions

                                        Target AudiencePublic

                                        Click to Join the Webinar


                                        This webinar is intended solely to provide general information to the public. The views, medical advice, and opinions expressed as part of this Webinar are those of the expert presenters do not necessarily represent Sidra Medicine’s opinion.
                                        This Webinar is not intended, nor can you rely upon it, in relation to your medical condition(s). Further, this Webinar is not intended, nor can it replace the care of your own personal doctor. You may need to discuss the topics presented in the Webinar in more detail with your personal doctor.
                                        With respect to this Webinar, Sidra Medicine does not make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
                                        By attending this Webinar, you understand that Sidra Medicine may record this Webinar and agree to publish this Webinar on Sidra Medicine’s website and/or any social media platforms. Sidra Medicine may, at its sole discretion, publish the Webinar including your question (presented anonymously) and presenters’ response for other users to view. Any copyrights in the material contained in the Webinar belongs solely to Sidra Medicine.
                                        By attending this Webinar, you agree that Sidra Medicine will not be liable for any loss incurred due to the use or reliance on the information, medical advice, and the material contained in this Webinar.
                                        Sidra Medicine’s Webinars are governed by Qatari law.
                                      • Nov - 2

                                          Radiation Protection for Medical Practitioners

                                          This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 7.5 hours for Category 1.

                                          About the event: 8-hour full day, classroom-based, instructor-led course. Reinforces the healthcare professionals' understanding of the need for radiological safety through safe work practices when working around equipment that generates X-rays, and also around radioactive sources used for diagnostic imaging and therapy. Optimization of patient-based radiation exposure for all imaging modalities is also reinforced. The activity is high-quality teaching that is essential in educating the healthcare workers to understand different radiation imaging modalities used in diagnostic imaging and will enable them to minimize both their own exposure to radiation, as well as that of their patients. Learners will also have an awareness of their responsibilities in order to achieve compliance under the radiation regulations of Qatar.

                                          Target Audience: Medical practitioners requiring a radiation worker's license as per the requirements of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to operate ionizing radiation equipment or work with radiation.


                                          Overall Program Learning Outcomes

                                          • Describe the main sources of ionizing radiation and its risks
                                          • List the framework and principles of ionizing radiation safety for staff, the general public, and patients
                                          • Define work practices and techniques that limit occupational exposure and optimize patient exposure to ionizing radiation
                                          • Explain responsibilities as per the radiation safety requirements of the State of Qatar and the ability to work safely within these requirements.

                                          Contact Info: Jasna Palliparambil,

                                        • Nov - 2

                                            Inaugural Pediatric Neuroscience Conference: A Focus on Epilepsy and Spasticity

                                            It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the inaugural Sidra Medicine Pediatric Neuroscience Conference (SMPNC). This educational event will feature both local and international experts in the field of neuroscience and will serve to advance the understanding of epidemiology and mechanisms of neurological diseases with a special focus on epilepsy and spasticity, discuss advances in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, and improve the health outcomes of the children of Qatar living with chronic neurological diseases.

                                            The theme of SPNC-2019 will revolve around two critical areas in pediatric neuroscience:
                                            · Epilepsy with focuses on innovations in new therapeutics and epilepsy surgery.
                                            · Spasticity management including neurosurgical advances.

                                            The conference brings together globally recognized experts in pediatric neurology and neurosurgery from all over the world and offers a unique program that is of global relevance and significant educational impact.

                                            "This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department (QCHP-AD) and is approved for a maximum of 11 hours for Category 1.” “This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 11 hours Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change."


                                            Why should I attend?
                                            SPNC-2019 Scientific Conference is uniting professionals in the fields of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and rehabilitation medicine. This is a fantastic opportunity for the delegates to network and have issues addressed by recognized experts who are up to date with the latest developments and provide information on new techniques and technologies.

                                            Target Audience:
                                            • Neurologists.
                                            • Neurosurgeons.
                                            • Neurophysiologists.
                                            • Pediatricians.
                                            • Pediatric researchers.
                                            • Pediatric Nurses.
                                            • Allied health specialists (PT, OT, SLP and dietician)
                                            • Trainees (medical students, residents, fellows)