Internship Program

Developing Future Healthcare Leaders

The internship program is suitable for interns pursuing education in Medicine, Research, Nursing, and Allied Health. The program provides an experience to aid an intern’s professional development. Through our support and commitment, our goal is to develop future leaders in the healthcare field in Qatar and to ensure a highly skilled workforce committed to our country.


What Does the Internship Program Provide?

National Career Development is responsible for ensuring interns receive in-service training and gain practical work experience at Sidra Medicine. This exposes Interns to meaningful work experience and prepares them for a career in their respective area of study. They are also given opportunities to work with and learn from assigned coaches and experienced employees.

Who Can Apply for the Internship Program?

Internship opportunities are available for:

  • Qatari Nationals
  • Children of Qatari mothers
  • Sidra Medicine’s employee’s children
  • Non-nationals, including researchers and scientist involved via collaboration or common research interest with Sidra Medicine

Contact us to learn more.