Children & Young People’s Services

Marios Kambouris

Senior Consultant Laboratory Clinical Scientist
Years of Experience: 23

Certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics with dual certification: Clinical Molecular Genetics and Ph.D. Medical Genetics. Post-Doctoral fellowships in Clinical Molecular Genetics & Clinical Genetics at Henry Ford Hospital (Detroit, MI, USA). PhD degree in Medical & Molecular Genetics from Indiana University School of Medicine (Indianapolis, Indiana USA) and a BSc degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from State University of New York (Buffalo, New York, USA).

Twenty-three years post-doctoral experience & expertise in Genetics, Genomics, DNA Diagnostics & Biotechnology both in scientific planning and business development including global alliances, venture capital recruiting and private investment fund raising. Established Gonidio LTD [Nicosia-Cyprus] and Geno-Type Biotechnology [Athens-Greece] offering Predictive Genomics and DNA Diagnostic Services. Established Gene Couture LTD formulating and producing NutraCeuticals & CosmeCeuticals based on Predictive Genomics DNA Profiling. Jointly responsible for the formulation of the scientific plan and for negotiating the formation of a Genomics company on behalf of the Research Center of King Faisal Hospital (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) with British Aerospace Systems (part of an offset program) and Merlin Ventures (a UK based Venture Capitalist Company).

In Clinical Genetics extensive experience, examining, diagnosing, risk assessing, counseling and managing patients with a multitude of genetic disorders, congenital malformations, dysmorphia & mental retardation in Genetics clinics, in-patient consultations, field clinics, Growth clinics (skeletal dysplasias & growth abnormalities) and Neurology clinics (neurogenetic disorders) at Henry Ford Hospital (Detroit, MI, USA), Children’s Hospital of Michigan (Detroit, MI, USA) and Riley Hospital for Children (Indianapolis, IN, USA). Also risk assessing and Genetic counseling for high-risk pregnancy patients (maternal age, family history of genetic disorders, teratogenic exposures, abnormal MSAFP, etc.) in Prenatal Diagnosis clinics at Indiana University and Wishard Memorial Hospitals (Indianapolis, IN, USA).

In DNA Diagnostics, directed and/or established the Molecular Genetics & DNA Diagnostics laboratory at King Faisal Hospital & Research Center (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), Geno-Type Biotechnology, (Athens, Greece), Gonidio International (Møgeltønder, Denmark), Shafallah Medical Genetics Center [Doha, Qatar] with extensive experience establishing, performing & interpreting DNA diagnostic testing, assessing and signing clinical and prenatal cases for genetic diseases.

Molecular Genetics research interest focused in mapping & identifying human disease genes and discovering novel pathogenic mutations. Involved in the localization and/or identification of more than twenty novel human disease genes and in utilization of populations with unique genetic characteristics for target gene discovery in polygenic, multi-factorial disorders.

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Marios Kambouris

  • English

  • Biallelic SCN10A Mutations
  • Mosaic Partial Pericentromeric Trisomy 8
  • Two Hits in One: Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Multiple coronary artery microfistulas
  • Severe Clinical Presentation in Monozygotic Twins

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