Children & Young People’s Services

Lisa Thornton

Division Chief, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Lisa Thornton is a pediatric rehabilitation specialist. Dr Lisa is the only American Board-Certified pediatric rehabilitation Medicine professional in the region.
Since August of 2017, Dr. Lisa has been the Chief of the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation at Sidra Medicine. She is Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine Qatar
She has broad expertise in physical disability and her medical practice focuses exclusively on the holistic needs of this population. She has expertise in the health issues that face people with disabilities but also is knowledgeable about issues of accessibility, education, transportation, recreation, housing, and vocation.  Her special interest is in cerebral palsy, other motor disabilities, and spasticity management.

Before moving to Qatar, she lived and worked in Chicago. She completed pediatric specialty training at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago and her rehabilitation residency at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.   She has lectured widely about the needs of children with disabilities and was a sought-after health commentator on national TV in the US.

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Lisa Thornton

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