Khalid Al Ansari
Chair of Emergency Medicine
Years of Experience: 26
Dr. Khalid Al Ansari is the inaugural Chairman of Level One Trauma Emergency Department and Urgent Care Sidra. He is the founder of the National Poison Center and the founder of the Child Advocacy Program in Qatar. He is also the Chairman of the Sidra Medicine Hospital Resuscitation Program.
Dr. Al Ansari’s extensive expertise in emergency Medicine and acute Medical Care has helped him transform the delivery of Pediatric Emergency services to patients in Qatar.
He is a Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar and Qatar University. His research interest is in emergency respiratory diseases and gastroenteritis.
Prior to joining Sidra Medicine, Dr. Al Ansari was an Associate Professor and the Medical Director of Pediatric Emergency Services at Hamad Medical Corporation for 17 years.
He is the IRB Chairman of QBB-IRB, Chairman of the MOPH National Child Protection Committee and member of the National Disaster committee

- Arabic
- English
- MBBS: 1997
- Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics: October 21, 2003
- FAAP: October 21, 2003
- Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons – Canada (FRCP-C) – Board of Pediatrics: June 30, 2002
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine: June 30, 2005
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship: June 30, 2006
- Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons – Canada (FRCP-C) – Board of Pediatric Emergency: June 30, 2005
- FAAP (PEM): November 2006
- Masters of Health Care Management (MScH): 2010 – 2014
- Professor of Clinical Emergency / Pediatrics – WCMC-Qatar June 2019 to present
- Professor of Clinical Pediatrics – Qatar University June 2019 to present
- Child Protection
- Research;
- Asthma / Broncholitis
- Conscious Sedation
- Seizure Management
- Project Innovations
- Medical Devices
- Artificial Intelligence
- Nebulized Hypertonic 5%, 3% and 0.9% Saline for treating Acute Bronchiolitis in Infants, a randomized controlled trial
- Oral dexamethasone for bronchiolitis: a randomized trial
- Nebulized Magnesium for Moderate and Severe Pediatric Asthma: A randomized trial
- Caffeine for the treatment of Apnea in Bronchiolitis: A randomized Trial
- Rapid vs Maintenance Vitamin D Supplementation in Deficient Children with Asthma to prevent exacerbations
- Stars of Excellence Research Award – Rising Star: Pediatric Emergency: Nurtures Research Culture, HMC – March 27, 2014
- Excellence in Hospital Emergency Department Award – Arab Health Awards, Dubai, UAE – January 24, 2012
- Guiding Stars of Excellence: Leadership and Performance – Physician Performance Evaluation in Pediatric Emergency, HMC – October 12, 2011
- Distinction in Practice Award Stars of Excellence – Leadership in Paediatric Emergency (Project Lead) – HMC, October 12, 2011
- Guiding Stars of Excellence Award: Excellence in Performance – Development of Clinical Practice Booklet and Formulary (Project Lead) – HMC, May 23, 2010