Mahmoud Fawzi
Senior Attending Physician
Years of Experience: 28
Dr. Fawzi is a senior attending physician in pediatric neurology at Sidra Medicine and Hamad Hospital. He also serves as an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar.
Previously, Dr. Mahmoud worked as a consultant in pediatric neurology at Hamad Hospital from 2006 until 2017. He then joined Sidra Medicine as a senior attending physician in pediatric neurology.
He specializes in treating patients with muscle disease, multiple sclerosis, and tuberous sclerosis.
He got research grants in congenital brain anomalies and muscle diseases, hereditary spastic paraplegia and microcephaly, and spinal muscular atrophy. He is widely published and has lectured at local and international conferences.
Dr. Fawzi has extensive experience in pediatric neurology since 1995. He has more than 50 publications in international journals.

- Arabic
- English
- MBBCH Egypt 1984 Zacazig university Banha medical school
- Arab board of Pediatrics (ABP)1993
- MBBCh 1984
- ABP 1993
- ECFMG1995
- Multiple sclerosis
- Acute demyelinating diseases
- Muscle disease
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Assistant fellowship neurology program
- Assistant professor Weill Cornel
- Homozygous nonsense mutation in SCHIP1/IQCJ-SCHIP1 causes a neurodevelopmental brain malformation syndrome August 2017 Clinical Genetics 93(2)
- NT5C2 novel splicing variant expands the phenotypic spectrum of Spastic Paraplegia (SPG45): Case report of a new member of thin corpus callosum SPG-Subgroup. December 2017 BMC Medical Genetics 18(1)
- Altered PLP1 splicing causes hypomyelination of early myelinating structures. Annals of clinical and translational neurology: Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015 Jun; 2(6): 648–661
- Gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy: the Qatari experience 2021.
- Plasmapheresis for autoimmune encephalopathy in children: a single centre experience2017