Hematology and Oncology

Some of the conditions we treat include:

  • Immunodeficiency disorders
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Infectious diseases

Our multi-disciplinary staff has the skills and experience needed to evaluate, interact with, and treat children suffering from these disorders. We also run the Palliative Care Service, which provides symptom management and psychosocial support for patients with chronic and life-limiting conditions.

Treating Blood Cancers

Hematologists often work closely with oncologists when treating blood cancers such as Leukemia. A hematologist is trained in addressing the unique medical challenges found in blood disorders. Our hematologists have special training in the field of blood cancers. We provide patients and their families with the dedicated, detail-oriented care they need.

The Support Your Family Needs

Children do not always fully understand what is happening to them when they are diagnosed with these conditions. Our team has experience working with children diagnosed with serious health conditions. We help patients and their families cope with what is happening and provide them with honest, supportive feedback on what to expect.

Sometimes children have trouble speaking up about how they feel when sick, but their input is critical to the healing process. Our team wants you and your child to feel comfortable talking to us about how you feel, both physically and emotionally.

Contact Sidra Medicine for more information about our oncology and hematology services.