Accredited by the College of American Pathologists, our services include both routine and specialized consultative testing in hematology, chemistry, microbiology, anatomical pathology and genetics. The clinical laboratory, in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation, focuses on delivering the latest laboratory diagnostic services to outpatient and inpatients to enhance the diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of childhood and maternal diseases.

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The Pathology department will serve patients by providing state-of-the-art diagnostic services of the highest quality. We will pursue innovative clinical solutions dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of childhood and maternal disease. The department recognizes that children have special needs that can be very different from the adult population: these special needs are reflected in the staffing compliment of our doctors and technologists, who have unique training and experience in specialized fields within pediatric pathology. Our team also contributes its world class training and experience in obstetric and gynecologic laboratory medicine.
The department aims to fill a local and regional gap in providing a specialist pediatric / maternal diagnostic and consultation service equivalent to the top Pediatric and Maternal Pathology departments in the world.
We will provide Western academic hospital standards of diagnostic laboratory services, integrating patient care with research and education. The faculty consists of board certified subspecialist experts in pediatric and maternal laboratory medicine; their efforts will be supported by our team of experienced technologists and scientists, working in our modern LEAN facility. The laboratory is divided into six divisions: Anatomical Pathology, Pathology Genetics, Hematopathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology & Virology, and Pathology Sciences (including Molecular Infectious Diseases).
These divisions will offer a scope of services tailored to the clinical needs of our patients, both in the OPC and for inpatients. These services include specialist pediatric and maternal laboratory analyses such as histo- and cyto-pathology, metabolic screening, immunochemistry and immunohematology, flow cytometry, bacteriology and virology, genetic characterization of malignant and benign disease, molecular testing of infectious disease, and (coordinated with Sidra Medicine Research) translational diagnostic research. Based on figures for pediatric testing done at HMC, it is estimated that there will be a considerable demand for laboratory services at Sidra Medicine, on the order of 600,000 tests per year in 2018. Pathology’s mission is to meet that demand in a manner which is patient and family centered, safe, integrated, inter-professional, effective, efficient, and innovative. To ensure pathology meets these goals, there will be an evidence-based approach to quality laboratory management: this will include peer review, clinical outcomes review, variance analysis, performance appraisals, key performance indicators (such as critical test turnaround time), and other modern quality management techniques. The laboratory will provide service during working hours in the OPC, and 24/7for inpatient care. Our experts will also be available around the clock to consult with other doctors and hospitals throughout Qatar.
Anatomical Pathology
We are now a central review center for SIOP pediatric renal tumors since Dr. Gordan Vujanic arrived mid 2017, who is chair of the SIOP renal panel and lead rapid pathology reviewer and has published widely on this topic (12 papers in 2016-17) and many invited lectures on the topic.
The Division of Anatomical Pathology provides diagnostic histo- and cyto-pathology services for Sidra Medicine patients. This includes the macroscopic and microscopic analysis of body tissues, to diagnose a disease process. These tissues consist of small and large biopsy specimens, as well as placentas after delivery.
Cytopathology involves the diagnosis of disease using review of individual cells under the microscope: this includes cervical screening and fine needle aspiration specimens.
Our most sensitive role is to care for deceased fetuses and children. We may perform an autopsy, with parental consent, if a fetus, baby or child has died, to try to understand why this has occurred.
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
- Morgue
Clinical Biochemistry
The service provides a broad range of testing for pediatric patients as well as pregnant and non-pregnant adults. These include tests related to electrolyte, kidney and liver diseases, as well as endocrine disorders such as diabetes and thyroid disease.
Point of Care Testing allows some of these blood tests to be performed on patients at Sidra Medicine in clinic, rather than having tests performed in the central laboratory.
- POC, Phlebotomy and Accessioning
- Routine Clinical Biochemistry
- Special Clinical Biochemistry
The Hematopathology division provides routine and special hematology testing, and also provides diagnostic immunology and transfusion services. We perform hematologic tests which assess red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and the coagulation system. The Transfusion Medicine Laboratory performs pre- and post-transfusion testing, and oversees the storage and provision of blood for transfusion to patients.
- Blood Transfusion
- Routine Hematopathology
- Special Hematopathology
Microbiology and Virology
The Microbiology and Virology Laboratory provides comprehensive diagnostic and consultation services tailored for children and women in Qatar. We believe that a high-quality interaction between the laboratory, doctor, and patient is critical for safe patient care. We work closely with our clients, providing advice regarding specimen collection, test ordering and interpretation.
- General Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Serology and Virology
The Department is divided into 6 divisions:
Pathology Genetics
Pathology Genetics provides Genetic & Genomic analyses, as well as diagnostic testing and expertise, for congenital, inherited and acquired diseases. The most up-to-date, state-of-the-art technology platforms and methodologies are used. Our staff continually strive to improve and enhance our genetic offerings in order to provide the best possible patient care.
- Molecular Genetics
- Cytogenetics
Pathology Sciences
The Pathology Sciences Division provides advanced molecular testing for infectious diseases. Our laboratory employs the newest available diagnostic technologies, as well as developing our own molecular diagnostic tests to detect new and emerging infectious diseases. We work closely with our clients to solve challenging cases in pediatric and maternal infectious diseases.