Occupational Therapy Services
We aim to enhance, enable and empower young people’s participation in daily tasks by helping them adapt to the challenges they face as a result of illness, developmental delay or disability.
Children with illness or disability may have a difficult time doing everyday activities independently as a result of changes in their body structure, thinking or planning. Thankfully there are many treatments, strategies and equipment that can enable independence.

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The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life.
What does this mean?
Children are learning, developing and maturing, whether at school, during play or when they are doing simple everyday tasks like brushing their teeth. As children grow, they continue to expand their life skills and become increasingly independent. Occupational therapy supports this natural process, despite illness or disability, and provides the tools and strategies that promote independence and participation in daily tasks
Occupational therapy is designed to enable children to master daily tasks and achieve personal goals, such as tying a lace, communicating their needs or using a wheelchair independently for the first time. Engaging successfully with daily tasks contributes to self confidence, health and well being.
Children who experience barriers to their everyday functioning often require extra care and management from those closest to them. Parents and carers often take on the primary responsibility for managing and coordinating this care. The occupational therapy team supports carers in this role to ensure that they feel able to do this appropriately.

What do we do?
We aim to minimize the impact of illness and disability on young people’s participation in everyday life. The occupational therapy team would like the young people under our care to thrive, develop and grow so that they can live rewarding and satisfying lives.
Our team is experienced in assessing children’s ability to do daily tasks so that we can formulate a treatment plan to address their needs.
- Assessment: The aim of assessment is to highlight a child’s strengths and areas of need. The information gathered is used to determine the influence that disability and illness might have on the child’s participation in daily tasks.
- Advice: At Sidra Medicine, we offer specialist advice, within specific clinical areas, to support children’s functioning at school, at home and during leisure or play activities.
- Treatment: Specialist treatment interventions may be suggested to complement the advice given. This may include splinting and hand therapy, postural management, group therapy and pressure care. In some cases, we may establish new techniques to help the young person to complete daily tasks or recommend specialist equipment to enable the patient to join in with tasks and challenges at home or at school.
- Liaison: We will communicate with other services as necessary to ensure the continuation of care and support to young people as they return to their homes, families and communities. This may include charities, community services and local health professionals.
- Discharge Planning: Our team helps with the discharge process. Therapists ensure that children are able to participate safely in their home and school environments after a hospital stay and may put families in touch with agencies that can help to facilitate this.
Where do we work?
At Sidra Medicine we employ a team of highly specialized OT’s who work in outpatient clinics and inpatient units. The occupational therapy team offer specialized assessment and treatment for children between the ages of 0-18 who have difficulties with independence due to illness or disability. Our OT’s work across several multidisciplinary teams including Neonatology, Neurology, Physical Rehabilitation Medicine, Plastics and Craniofacial, Rheumatology, Developmental Pediatrics and Orthopedics.
What role does the family play?
We believe parents and families are experts on their children. The pediatric OT will work together with your child, family, and medical team to develop a plan to promote success in everyday activities. Parents are an important part of helping us understand their child’s needs and providing support in carrying out this plan every day.