Your Journey from Hospital Admission to Discharge

This brochure provides you with information about your journey at Sidra Medicine from admission discharge. It aims to help improve your overall experience and ensure smooth and safe transition from the hospital to your home.

Why does my child need to be admitted to the hospital?

  • When you bring your unwell child to the hospital they will be examined by a doctor or  nurse practitioner
  • If your child’s health condition is critical and needs close medical attention, they will be admitted to   the hospital and will be referred to a specialized doctor
  • Your child’s doctor will discuss your child’s condition, treatment and expected discharge plan

All patient’s admissions process depends on bed availability:

  • If there is available bed, your child will be admitted immediately
  • If all beds are occupied, your child’s admission may take longer time depending on bed availability (if other patient is discharged)

When your child is admitted to the hospital:

  • Your child’s medical team will see them in the ward at least one time every day
  • They will discuss your child’s treatment, health progress and expected discharge plan
  • The rounds usually start in the early mornings
  • Your child’s condition is regularly discussed with the Consultant on duty, to ensure they receive constant care
  • There may be a financial cost associated with your child’s hospital stay; speak with our financial counselors to find out more details

  • Stay with your child during their stay especially during the rounds
  • Play an active role in your child’s care plan. This can help you to understand your child’s condition and can make it easy for you to care for them at home after discharge
  • Ask questions and raise your concerns with your child’s medical team

  1. Why is my child admitted to the hospital?
  2. What is going to happen to my child during their stay?
  3. When will my child be able to go home?
  4.  How will I get the equipment I need at home to care for my child?
  5.  What is the cost for my child’s hospital stay?

Soon after your child is admitted, your child’s medical team will discuss with you the treatment plan and the expected discharge date.

  • Your child will be discharged home when their condition is stable and does not require close medical attention
  • Early discussion of your child’s discharge plan can help to:
    • Reduce your anxiety at the time of discharge
    • Prepare you to care for your child at home
    • Allows you to be more engaged in your child’s care
    • Allows you to ask questions and raise concerns before discharge time
    • Allow safe and smooth hospital – home transition

To ensure better and equal service to all patients, it is important to vacate the bed/room soon after discharge. This will help to admit patients who are waiting for admission.

Oral medications:

  • Your child’s doctor will order required medication before discharge
  • Some medications may need to be prepared upon request which could take some additional time before receiving them from pharmacy.
  • If your child’s medication will take time to be prepared, you can either wait in the hospital facilities (play room, healing garden, cafeteria) or bring your child home and come back to collect their medication when it is ready

Intravenous (given through a drip into a vein) antibiotics:

  • If your child needs to continue treatment with intravenous antibiotics they can be discharged and return each day to the infusion clinic to receive the antibiotic treatment.

Based on your child’s condition, your child’s doctor may:

  • Give them follow up appointment in the outpatient clinic
  • Refer them to other health and social care assessments if its required