How to collect urine sample from babies

This leaflet explains how you can collect urine sample from your baby

What do I need?

  • Urine bag
  • A clean diaper
  • Sample container
  • Cleaning wipe


Before collecting the sample:

  1. Do not open the container or wipes until you are ready to use them
  2. Do not touch the inside of the container or the lid at any time
    When you are ready to collect the sample:
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry your hands well with a towel
  4. Remove your child’s diaper
  5. Clean your child’s private area front and back with clean wipe and allow the area to air-dry
  6. Attach the urine bag around your child’s private area using the sticky strip and put on a clean diaper
  7. Check the urine bag every 20 minutes until you have 10 to 15mls (2 to 3 teaspoons) of urine
  8. Wash your hands with soap and water
  9. Open the sample container and carefully
  10. Carefully take the urine bag off and pour the urine into the sample container
    (You can either cut a bottom corner of the bag with scissors or remove the tab at the bottom of the bag).
  11. Screw the lid on tightly
  12. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry your hands well with a dry towel
  13. Write the time when the urine was collected on the sample container
  14. Write your child’s name and date of birth on the sample container (If not already labelled)
  15. Bring the sample to the Outpatient Clinic Area within 30 minutes of collecting
  16. Tell the laboratory staff the sample was collected from a urine bag

If you are unable to get to the OPC Clinic within 30 minutes keep the sample in fridge until you can