ناهارمال سوني

بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة, دبلوم المجلس الوطني, زمالة الكلية الملكية لطب الأطفال وصحة الطفل, عضو الكلية الملكية لطب الأطفال وصحة الطفل
طبيب معالج أول

Dr. Soni graduated from the Government Medical College, Bellary, India in 1991. He underwent postgraduate training in Pediatrics at M.S. University, Baroda, India where he pursued three years of residency programme working in various pediatric sub-specialities and Neonatology. During this period he successfully completed his thesis related to incidence and prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B & C and Syphilis in multiple transfused Thalassemia & Sickle cell patients, leading to award of MD Pediatrics in 1997. Dr. Soni subsequently passed Diplomate of National Board Exams in 1999 leading to DNB qualification in Pediatrics. Dr. Soni pursued Senior Residency Programme at prestigious institution JIPMER in South India consolidating clinical experience in PICU & Level 3 NICU.

Dr. Soni moved to UK in 1999 to pursue advanced training in Neonatology working in several high profile units including Middleborough, Cambridge, Cardiff and completed Neonatal sub-speciality grid training leading to CCT in Pediatrics & CCT in Neonatology.

Dr. Soni worked as Consultant Neonatologist for 10 years in Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre. During this period he was instrumental in consolidation of Level 3 NICU and led on establishment of High Frequency Oscillation, Volume Guarantee ventilation, Inhaled Nitric Oxide therapy, Therapeutic Hypothermia, and Non-invasive respiratory support therapies.

Dr. Soni led and established Neonatal Simulation programme in East Lancashire and developed innovative pneumothorax simulation model, mobile simulation programme for remote network hospitals and simulation of ventilation concepts.

Dr. Soni has special interest in cardiovascular hemodynamics and worked closely with regional Pediatric Cardiology Service to establish this service for both inpatients and outpatients in East Lancashire in UK.

Dr. Soni led on development of Neonatal Difficult Airway management algorithm and establishment of a structured course in North West of England.

Dr. Soni has special interest in Information-Technology and was divisional Chief information office in East Lancashire and led on Neonatal full EPR including its procurement, clinical design, interfacing of medical devices and hospital systems.

اقرأ المزيد
ناهارمال سوني

  • الإنجليزية
  • الغوجاراتية
  • الكانادا
  • هندي


اكتشف خدمات الرعاية الصحية المتخصصة التي يقدمها سدرة للطب للنساء والأطفال والشباب.

خدمات الأطفال والشباب

اختبر رعاية طبية استثنائية للأطفال في سدرة للطب، على يد فريق متخصص وذو كفاءة عالية.

خدمات النساء

نؤمن بأن النساء يستحقن رعاية مميزة ومخصصة، يقدمها فريقنا بخبرة وتعاطف.